Thursday, July 26, 2012

Alas itu bernama Khumrah kalau kecil, dan Hasher kalau besar...

Khumrah dan Hasher adalah nenek moyang Sajadah, atau alas yang digunakan umat Muslim untuk melakukan ibadah.
berhubung pengetahuan saya masih sangat dangkal, dan cuma bisa googling, membandingkan tulisan satu dengan yang lainnya, tetap saja saya masih kurang ilmu sebenarnya.
untungnya tulisan ini tidak akan membahas mengenai hukum shalat di atas sajadah, karena sudah banyak ulama-ulama yang membahas hal tersebut.

dalam tulisan ini saya hanya ingin menuangkan pendapat, tentang apa yang saya lihat dan amati.
Sajadah itu tujuannya untuk melindungi bagian tubuh yang bersentuhan langsung dengan tanah yang mungkin sangat panas atau sangat dingin - sejauh yang saya baca.
namun sekarang sajadah ya memang sebagai alas, dimanapun dan kapanpun. sajadah juga bermacam-macam ukurannya, beraneka ragam warna dan coraknya.
namun ternyata sajadah - yang saya amati di tempat saya - justru menjadi tempat duduk dan berguling para setan saat shalat berjamaah dilaksanakan.
yep, sajadah justru menciptakan jarak. Apalagi yang sajadahnya besar nan bagus, haha.
kecenderungannya, saat shalat berjamaah, sajadah pribadi digelar, terciptalah suatu 'cubicle' yang mengatakan 'ini tempat shalat saya, yang itu tempat shalat kamu.' dan untuk ukuran lebar kaki maupun lebar pundak/bahu sebenernya gak selebar itu juga. padahal setiap kali berjamaah, imam selalu mengingatkan 'luruskan dan rapatkan shaf-nya'.
namun kemudian, ya sudah, yang dirapatkan malah sajadahnya. mana pernah sih ada orang yang melebarkan kaki sampai seujung sajadahnya? O.oa
dan sampai saat ini, saya belum menemukan orang yang mau saya ajak 'geser sedikit' n bagi-bagi sajadah kecuali keluarga saya sendiri. atau mungkin lain kali saya langsung aja numpukin setengah sajadah saya di atas sajadah orang lain ya? haha. bisa diliatin aneh saya.

Dari Ibnu Umar radliallahu’anhuma, dia berkata: Rasulullah shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam bersabda : ”Luruskanlah shaf-shaf, jadikan setentang diantara bahu-bahu, tutuplah celah yang kosong, lunaklah terhadap tangan saudara kalian dan janganlah kalian meninggalkan celah-celah bagi setan. Barangsiapa yang menyambung shaf, maka Allah akan menyambungnya dan barangsiapa yang memutusnya maka Allah akan memutuskanya.” (HR. Bukhari 725, Abu Dawud 666; dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al-Albani dalam Shahih Sunan Abu Dawud, no.602)

sajadah kalau dipakai shalat sendirian memang masih biasa saja, tapi sepertinya kurang pas kalau dipakai berjamaah. sampai masjidnya masang karpet di seluruh ruangan tanpa corak sajadah (yang ada batas-batasnya), sepertinya fenomena ini akan terus berlangsung.
jadi,, for the time being, mari kita tumpuk-tumpukan sajadah!! ^o^v

Saturday, July 14, 2012

because i said so.,

Percaya atau tidak,

Bahagia itu pilihan.
Gagal itu kesempatan.
Sukses itu ujian.

Ikhlas itu susah.
Menyerah itu mudah.
Jadi terserah.

Percaya atau tidak,

Hidup itu indah.

Because i said so.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Jakarta Little Tokyo Ennichisai 2012

Started at July 2010, Japanese Art & Culinary festival - Ennichisai, continued being held annually in Blok M.
and now it's here!
i'm so glad i got the chance to see it.
Ennichisai 2012 held on June 30th - July 1st. yep. today is the last day.

i went there yesterday with my eldest sister. bet she's stuck with me to attend such event.
once i dragged her along to accompany me to go to Hellofest Anima Expo on February.
well, since we're here already, why not go and see? :D

so, when i heard about Ennichisai, i asked her to accompany me. yep. maybe i'm such a spoil little sister.

the event was quite crowded. there are a lot of food and anime accesorries.
there was a lot of people cosplaying, and there was also a show of Japanese art. too bad i didn't take any picture of it.

we eat takoyaki and taiyaki. but since there was no place to sit, so we eat in 'Pujasera' Blok M.
as takoyaki, i bet you all know what it looks like. as for taiyaki, here's the pic, actually i googled it. since the real taiyaki already intangible. :D

yep. there was two flavor of it, chocolate and red bean. ah. should've try the red bean. but i choose chocolate instead. well, the only reason why i want to try it was because there's a scene of Akira (Yamashita Tomohisa) in Nobuta wo Produce ate it. >_<

my other (awesome) experience at the Ennichisai was shooting game. you know, a game where you got three chances to shoot a kind of block with number written on it. and as a result you'll get something.
it's Rp 10.000,- for three shooting chances. i saw a boy and a girl tried it. the boy got one hit for 3 point, while the girl got one hit for 1 point.
oh yeah, there was 1-5 point. 5 is the higher, so if you got a hit to 5 point for the three chances, you'll got the first prize. it was a cooking set, if i'm not mistaken. and there are other prizes as well.

so, after being encouraged by my eldest sister, i went and try it.
my first shot was this.

yep. i got the 5-point. i didn't even realized the owner reaction when i hit until my sister showed me the pic afterwards.
and then here it goes my second shot.

well, you can't see it, but yep. i got another 5. and that's the reaction of the owner.

then the owner started to encouraged me to hit another 5, so i can get the first prize. but i started to flatter. #senyamsenyumgagjelas. hahaha.. seems like i should have to keep my cool, but i guess that's just the way it supposed to be.

and the third shoot... i missed. haha. just above the 5. and the owner goes like, 'aaah...'
and one of the owner tapped on my shoulder and saying 'Hoshi, hoshi,'
lately i found that Hoshi means Star. it's even a japanese girl name. *kyaaaaaa*

and then.. what i got for the prize? actually, if you knew me so well,, you can see clearly what i was after from the first pic i showed you.

hahahaahha... yep. totally. tutturutturuuuuu....

guess who?

and here i give my best regard to Counter Strike, who teach me how to shoot.
and also, my best regards to my eldest sister, who let me wear it while walking around. well, she even said, 'ah, there's a lot of people looking at us!', then she looked at me. and she said, 'ah. no wonder.'
jyahahahha.. well, at least she gave me a chance to embarassing myself. lol. yep. i put it down afterwards.don't worry.

well, that was my experience in Ennichisai. hopefully there'll be more interesting event that i can go with my sister. once again, since we're here, why not? it will be hard to find this kind of event in other places.
so my sister,, please bear with me. hehe

and that's aaalll folks!!

sore dewa,, mata ashita.