Sunday, December 25, 2016

Arigatou Gozaimashita!

Dulu kayanya uda pernah sih, ngebahas our friendship di blog ini.
but i just can't get enough. you're still the greatest best friend ever.

you accept all my selfishness, clumsyness, everything. you have something in me that you don't like, and so do i, but still,, you still willing to spend time with me.
true, we had a couple of arguments, disagreement, but we always succeed to talked it out.
well of course with tears and snot running freely.
but i don't mind crying in front of you.

well i suddenly hug you this morning and just... cried and you cried with me.

thank you for amazing memories, amazing adventures, amazing discussion, and amazing heart to heart session,,
even when we have our own family, i still wanted us to be bestfriend forever!
i owe you a lots off things, and i don't know how to repay it.

some say that how other treats you is a mirror on how you treats others, but i still think that you're already a good person inside, so you always treated me with kindness although i've always been the selfish one.

thank you.
thank you.

i guess Happiness and Hope are suited to each other. :)
life is good with you around, :)

Arigatou Gozaimashita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Ngiklan ikhlas adalah konsumen yang puas

ada yang setuju?

kalau konsumennya puas, ga disuruh juga bakal ngiklanin.
ga ada yg nanyain juga tetep aja dipromosiin ke tetangga sebelah.

disini saya adalah pelanggan Andromoney yang puas.

dulu pernah nyoba beberapa kali untuk mencatat pengeluaran -note ya, mencatat pengeluaran. bukan planning, budgeting, dan executing. tapi ga nemu yang pas.
saya tujuannya nyatet doang jadi bisa istighfar yang banyak dengan harapan bisa ngerem, ga gas pol mulu.

even so, Andromoney juga memberikan opsi budgeting.
jadi kalau udah sekian persen anggaran terpakai akan ada notifnya. kalau tidak salah.
soalnya saya pernah coba menggunakan anggaran, namun ternyata sering terjadi pengalihan anggaran. sama aja boong ya.

nah, dulu waktu hape masih S**y, saya menggunakan Andromoney untuk pertama kali.
begitu ganti hape dan ganti platform, luckily Andromoney juga masih tersedia.
yep, si Andromoney ini tersedia di Google Play Store dan App Store. dan yang paling membahagiakan lagi, dapat di sync dengan gmail dan dapat diakses melalui web.

alhasil meskipun hape saya saat ini sedang rusak, saya masih bisa mencatat pengeluaran-pengeluaran saya melalui web, dan nanti dapat saya sync-kan lagi begitu hape saya sehat kembali.

fiturnya pun lumayan banyak, ada beberapa currency yang dapat digunakan.
selain itu juga ada pilihan account: cash, bank, dan credit card.

well, meskipun tampilan webnya agak kurang user friendly, tapi overall, saya adalah konsumen yang puas.
terima kasih, Andromoney!

have a good day!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Mask

if i wear a mask,
would you be happier?

if i wear a mask,
would you feel safe?

if i wear a mask,
would you stay with me?

if i were to show you what's behind the mask,
would you be sad?

if i were to show you what's behind the mask,
would you feel frightened?

if i were to show you what's behind the mask,
would you run away from me?

if i forgot to wear the mask,
would you be mad?

if i forgot to wear the mask,
would you be disgusted?

if i forgot to wear the mask,
would you hate me?

do i have to on put the mask?
is it prettier?
aw. oops. wait. the mask scratch my pimples.
let me adjusted it.

i'm pretty yea? :)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

well, SCARY.

Dari dulu sampai sekarang, saya bukan orang yang tertarik dengan dunia perpolitikan.
Bahkan kalau ada bapak-bapak u**r yang bilang 'saya sih ga ngaruh gubernurnya siapa, toh saya tetap harus kerja sendiri untuk hidup', saya masih manggut-manggut. meskipun sebenarnya ya pasti ngaruh, lha wong kebijakan diatur sama gubernur. tapi tetap saja saya manggut-manggut.

mungkin saya juga cuek karena honestly, di umur saya yang sudah sekian tahun ini, saya belum pernah merasakan ikut dalam pemilihan.
ceritanya, kali pertama saya cukup umur, lokasi di Malang dengan KTP Makassar.
karena saat itu pemerintah tidak memberikan dana bantuan tiket mudik untuk pemilu, alhasil saya diem aja di kos. atau mungkin berkeliaran. lupa.

selanjut-selanjutnya kisahnya sama. saya dimana, KTP dimana.
terus tiba masa bisa ikut pemilu dengan syarat harus ngurus surat macem-macem. karena saya saat itu males ngurus-ngurus, jadilah ga ikut pemilu juga.
mungkin emang dasarnya saya kurang tertarik dengan dunia perpolitikan, atau mungkin saya cuma apatis sama lingkungan sekitar?
atau mungkin sebenarnya dalam hati pendapat saya sama dengan bapak-bapak u**r?
ya meskipun deep down saya tau kalau itu ga pas sih. haha.

hanya saja saya terlalu skeptis sama politik. karena menurut saya politik itu hanya masalah siapa yang memegang kekuasaan, dan pencapaian tujuannya dilakukan dengan seni mempermainkan rakyat jelata. dan masalahnya adalah yang main dan yang dipermainkan sudah semakin blur. bahkan bisa jadi yang selama ini kita pandang sedang bermain politik sebenarnya hanya dipermainkan politik.
know what i'm saying?
puppet master-nya itu selalu dibalik layar. yang tampil ya hanya bonekanya saja.
dan who knows si puppet master itu tujuannya apa?

yep, politik is THAT scary menurut saya. makanya saya cenderung apatis, tidak mau tahu, dan tidak peduli.

tapi terus kesentil lagi nih sama kangmas yang masih dengan penuh tatih thayang negur 'ih jangan gitu..'

tehe. *nada karakter anime

terus mulai deh browsing-browsing.
awalnya masih bener nih, baca-baca program kerja yang diajuin calon-calonnya. beberapa ada yang diskip karena malas bacanya.
terus akhirnya kok cenderung suka sama salah satu pasangan calon.
jadi oke nih, meskipun kalau sekarang ditanya lagi program apa yang bikin saya suka, honestly saya lupa. tapi kesan yang saya ambil adalah programnya nyata, realistis, masuk akal, dan bukan program yang disusun dengan bahasa ketinggian terus jadinya sangat universal dan main aman.

akhirnya tiba saat untuk ngecek karakter masing-masing calon.
baru juga ngecek satu, eeeh.. malah terdistraksi.

karena disaat saya mencari tahu tentang satu calon, ternyata ada beberapa berita negatif yang berbau agama.
namun berita negatif yang saya baca bisa dibilang merupakan conclusion dari suatu event yang saya bahkan ga sadar kalau pernah terjadi.
kemudian saya mulai penasaran event awalnya seperti apa. triggernya apa. mulailah saya berselancar dengan riang gembira.
setelah menemukan event yang dimaksud, ternyata ada suatu berita klarifikasi dari laman lain. dan ini didukung oleh beberapa laman berita lain yang saya cukup percaya kehandalannya.
saya balik lagi ke laman awal tempat saya menemukan berita negatif tersebut. tidak ada klarifikasi yang ditautkan.

akhirnya saya malah nanya ke mbah gugle mengenai track record laman yang aneh tersebut.
ternyata bener, laman itu sudah banyak di-red flag sama review blogger sebagai laman yang perlu di-tabayyun-i.

mungkin saya telat, mungkin banyak orang yang sudah tau, tapi masa iya saya adalah orang terakhir yang tau? O.oa
bisa jadi ada yang masih terjebak. *gaterima

well, SCARY.

yep. Scary.
bukannya tambah semangat untuk mencari tau, saya malah semakin waswas dan semakin skeptis saat berseluncur.
tapi Alhamdulillah, ilmu semakin bertambah. setidaknya semakin yakin bahwa Tabayyun itu perlu.

Tabayyun, mencari kejelasan tentang sesuatu hingga jelas benar keadaannya.
meskipun itu adalah hal yang susah gampang susah gampang dilakukan dalam era digitalized saat ini, dimana siapa saja bisa membagi pemikirannya kepada siapa saja hanya dengan single click, justru semakin mempertegas perlunya Tabayyun.

karena nowadays, every single thing can go viral. tanpa rem.
saya bahkan bisa dengan mudahnya menemukan gambar bokong hamster!! *salahfokus

well, SCARY.

mungkin saat membaca suatu artikel, atau menerima suatu info, perlu dicari tau asal mulanya seperti apa. dan jangan lupa untuk cross check fakta.
hati-hati dengan fakta yang dihilangkan sebagian. ga bohong sih, cuma ya ga bener juga.

dan mungkin untuk kasus perpolitikan di kawasan Jakarta saat ini, mungkin yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah who would gain profit from it? -kinda sceptical question sih, tapi ya namanya politik. jangan-jangan ada udang di balik anubias nana.

bahkan untuk kasus boikot salah satu produsen roti, saya sempat kepikiran, hepi banget nih kompetitornya. even kalau trigger boikotnya adalah langkah yang kurang pas diambil oleh si produsen roti, tetap saja someone kalau jeli bisa langsung nyelinap.
not saying saya berada di sisi mana sih. just kinda curious.

takut juga kalau salah ngomong di era digital ini. ilmu masih cetek, saya banyak-banyakin belajar dan tabayyun dulu aja.

terus baru ngeh, ternyata calon gubernur saat ini juga tetep aja yang main pemain lama. ketiga calon masing-masing ada pengusungnya. ya iya lah ya.
tapi saya jadi tambah pusing.

aah.. udah ah. minta diajarin sama kangmas aja nanti. >_<

the point is,, SCARY.
jangan lupa Tabayyun!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Lame Excuses without Excuses.

then it would be just lame.

ada orang-orang yang berpikir jauh ke depan. punya bayangan akan jadi apa dia lima tahun ke depan.
ada orang yang menjalani hidupnya begitu saja.
saya tipe orang yang kaget. lho kok disini?

bukan berarti terus saya tidak bersyukur. bukan. cuma kadang saya mencoba menelusuri langkah apa yang saya ambil dan tidak saya ambil sampai saya bisa duduk di sini, mengetik di laman ini sambil meluk Sadaharu, sekalian nunggu setengah jam untuk merendam pakaian yang baru saja saya cuci.
untung hobi saya nyuci. sampai punya julukan Nyuci Hatake. *nama telah diubah untuk menyamarkan aslinya.
jadi galau-galau nyuci. padahal cucian emang lagi banyak. haha.

tadi ngeliatin langit gerak-gerak. dingin euy. anginnya masyaAllah. biasanya nyuci keringetan ini kedinginan. lumayan.
terus kepikiran. saya kos disini gara-gara salah satu teman kuliah saya pernah ngajak saya nginep di kos ini.
terus waktu pindah kos pas banget di kosan ini ada yang kosong. itupun, kosongnya karena pas ada orang lain mau liat kamarnya, pas banget langit-langit kamarnya lagi ambruk. terus habis dibenerin, bukan mbaknya yang nongol, malah saya yang nongol. dapet deh kamarnya. ngekos disini lah sampai sekarang. bahkan teman kuliah saya itu sudah berkeluarga dan tinggal dengan suaminya.
dan saya masih di sini.

dulu waktu SD saya pernah udah ngerjain PR Matematika. terus sampai di kelas ternyata jawaban saya beda semua dengan teman sebangku.
akhirnya jawaban saya saya hapusin semua dan ganti dengan jawaban teman sebangku. ternyata salah semua. dimarahin Bu guru. saya nangis. pulangnya dimarahin orangtua juga. sesuatu. habis itu saya ga pernah mau nyontek ke teman sebangku lagi.
saya juga pernah ketahuan nyontek catatan sendiri waktu kelas mencongak. malu abis-abisan. habis itu ngapalin abis-abisan.

tiba masa SMP, nyasar ke kelas 1E, kelas paling belakang. meskipun setelah itu berhasil manjat dan lulus lewat kelas 3A. sempat bandel, sempat bolos juga. tapi Alhamdulillah masih masuk 20 besar, entah urutan ke berapa. 13 kali ya? lupa. waktu dipanggil buat maju pas lagi gigit risoles. tolah toleh dan ha? he? jadinya.

datang lagi masa SMA. uda pernah dipermalukan di S*T T****M, waktu mendaftar ternyata banyak syarat yang ga kebawa. sama panitianya dibilangin 'ga tau mulu, makanya makan tahu.' terus temen sebelahnya ketawa. habis itu saya nahan nangis terus lari ngejar mama yang naik motor buat ngambil dokumen-dokumen yang belum dibawa. dan iya, mamanya ga noleh.
mama buru-buru naik motor tancap gas, saya di belakang teriak-teriak nahan nangis sambil ngejar.
diliatin orang? pasti.
hikmahnya? Alhamdulillah dikasi kesempatan untuk mendaftar dan lulus di salah satu SMA yang lumayan diperhitungkan. dendam sama panitia S*T T****M? jujur saja sepanjang masa SMA saya, saya sangat menantikan saat-saat dimana saya sudah sukses dan bisa ngomong di depan bapaknya. 'nih lihat.'
tapi terus mukanya bapaknya aja saya lupa. gimana mau nunjukin? haha.
masa SMA juga super. masuk di kelas 1A, dimana ranking teratas ada di kelas A kemudian dilanjutkan kelas lainnya. kelas 2 di 2C, kelas 3 di 3D dari 5 kelas. yang penting lulus. ga ada yang nanya dulunya kelas berapa.

masa kuliah. skripsi gagal. iya gagal, ngulang lagi. 2 minggu ga keluar kamar kecuali buat yang wajib-wajib.
Alhamdulillah percobaan kedua berhasil.
ngulang satu mata kuliah yang sama untuk tiga kali juga pernah.
di organisasi, ada senior yang pernah dengan ketusnya bilang, 'kamu tu dicambuk dulu baru bisa!'
plak!! berasa ketampar. mungkin harusnya si mas bilangnya 'kamu tu ditampar dulu baru bisa!'.

masa nyari kerja.
hampir tiap minggu ke kantor pos untuk ngirim CV. nyebar foto kemana-mana. berkeliaran naik motor buat datengin tempat interview, dari yang deket sampai daerah K*MA.
bolak balik warnet buat ngetik-ngetik dan ngeprint CV.
ngerasain tatapan mata kecewa orangtua waktu gagal di P*lind*. padahal udah ditungguin di pager depan rumah. dua-duanya. iya, papa mama.
tetiba pas lagi hangout sama teman SMP yang juga teman SMA, katanya tempat kerja sekarang lagi buka. rada pesimis, tapi butuh kerja.
pulang-pulang mampir ke warnet yang cuma 3ribu sejam. daftar.
waktu tes kesehatan, finish lari kedua paling akhir. kata mbak-mbak yang jagain di depan muka saya, 'wah, gak bakal lulus nih.'
pulangnya ga berani cerita sama papa, tapi Alhamdulillah malamnya masih diajakin keluar makan lele.

Alhamdulillah berhasil menyaksikan papa sujud syukur habis ngasih print-printan selembar kertas dari warnet 3ribuan. mungkin harusnya siapin satu lembar lagi buat mbak-mbak yang jagain lari waktu tes kesehatan.

setelah masuk, kerja, ngobrol sama atasan langsung, keluarlah statement, 'Elu tu ga pinter. tapi tekun. makanya elu keterima disini.'
ya.. iya sih, dari sejak keterima emang kepikiran, kenapa. kalau mau bandingin sama yang lain, minder, minder dah. tapi mungkin biar bisa jadi bos, harus ada yang jadi calon bos. tapi kalau saya jalannya jadi bos, yang lain gak papa jadi calon bos. aamiin.

panjang ya ceritanya.
hm. intinya, no one would really know kenapa mereka ditempatkan di suatu titik.
tapi insyaAllah, saya percaya, semua itu ada hikmahnya.
dan entah itu adalah hadiah maupun cobaan, semua itu ada hikmahnya.

dan detik ini pun, di saat saya sedikit whining masalah kerjaan dan ditampar dengan penuh tatih tayang oleh kangmas, memang itu jalannya. Yang Maha Kuasa lagi ngingetin saya lewat jalur yang masih terbilang menyenangkan.
bisa jadi besok saya masuk kantor dan langsung bikin perubahan yang lebih baik. berlebihan sih. tapi Aamiin, aamiin ya Rabb..

so we should stop with lame excuses. and believe, selalu ada alasan. dan alasan itu pasti baik.
kalau ga nemu alasan baiknya, cari aja terus. karena setelah all those hardwork and tears, there's always a reward.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Perpanjang SIM di Gerai SIM Mall Panakkukang Makassar - Revised

Well, it might or might not a usefull information.
But for me, it might.

Jadi opening hours Gerai SIM Mall Panakkukan Makassar adalah sbb:

Jam buka : 11.00 - 17.00
Jam istirahat : 14.30 - 15.00

Semoga bermanfaat.

Oh ya, setelah dirasa-rasa dan ditimbang-timbang, mungkin ada baiknya sekalian saya share pengalaman memperpanjang SIM C yang saya alami hari ini.

jadi, menurut informasi yang saya peroleh dari mesin pencari web, Opening hours Gerai SIM Mall Panakkukang adalah jam 10.00 - 14.00.
oleh karena itu, sesampainya saya di bandara Sultan Hasanuddin sekitar jam 9 pagi ini, tujuan pertama saya adalah Mall Panakkukang, dengan harapan tidak perlu mengantri dan masih sempat mengurus eKTP di dinas kependudukan.

sesampainya di Mall Panakkukang sekitar jam 10, mallnya baru buka.
masih sangat sepi.
saya pun langsung menuju Gerai SIM, lokasinya di deretan KFC - Es teler 77 - dan lain sebagainya.
di lantai 3, di gedung yang sama dengan Carrefour.

Ternyata, Gerai SIMnya belum buka. Opening hours yang tertera di pintunya seperti yang saya sebutkan di atas.

Syarat-syarat perpanjangan SIM antara lain Fotokopi KTP, SIM Lama, dan surat keterangan kesehatan.
Dengan pede-nya saya masuk dengan berbekal Fotokopi KTP dan SIM Lama yang akan expired bulan depan plus beberapa hari.

waktu petugasnya ngecek SIM lama saya, orangnya sempet nyeletuk 'kecepetan'.
well, iya sih, kalau dibilang sebulan sebelumnya, saya masih sebulan plus beberapa hari.
entah mungkin tampang saya yang tetiba jadi melas atau emang bapaknya baik hati rajin menabung dan suka menolong, pengajuan perpanjangan SIM saya tetap diproses. Alhamdulillah.

Surat keterangan kesehatan pun bisa diurus di tempat yang sama. diperiksa tensi dan tes buta warna.
setelah itu, berkas akan diberikan ke bagian foto.
setelah foto, SIM baru sudah dapat langsung diprint.
dan kelar.

Biayanya 120k, karena termasuk pembuatan surat keterangan kesehatan.

proses perpanjangan hanya membutuhkan waktu 15 minutes max.
sangat cepat. dan petugasnya semuanya menyenangkan. senyum dan menyenangkan. dan mereka benar-benar bekerja.

maksudnya, sebelumnya saya sempat ke dinas kependudukan, dan meskipun mereka sedang melayani pelanggan, tapi mereka masih sempat bercanda dan mengobrol sejenak dengan teman-temannya.
beda dengan petugas gerai SIM, begitu ada pelanggan langsung dilayani, dan mereka ga pake ngobrol ketawa ketiwi dengan rekan kerjanya selama memproses.
bukan berarti saya tidak suka dengan menjaga hubungan yang baik dengan rekan kerja, namun rasa-rasanya agak ngebetein juga kalau untuk ngambil berkas di belakang meja aja petugasnya sempat terhenti gara-gara becandaan dulu dengan rekan kerjanya.

atau mungkin saya sentimen pribadi.

oke, back to the main topic.
yap, pelayanannya menyenangkan. cepat, tidak berbelit-belit, dan ramah.
selain itu juga disediakan lemari es yang isinya air mineral dalam kemasan gelas dengan keterangan 'silahkan diambil, Gratis....' plus emot senyum.

the best of all adalah jargon yang dipajang di dalam dan di luar ruangan.
"Kami memang belum sempurna, tapi kami selalu berusaha"

jleb. i mean, kalau memang mereka mau berubah, dan komitmen dengan hal tersebut plus didukung dengan prosedur dan nilai-nilai yang diterapkan masing-masing personel, it'll be awesome.

beda sama yang uda maksain pake ngancem buat bikin eKTP tapi prosedur masih amburadul, infrastruktur masih ga mumpuni.

sebenarnya perpanjangan SIM bisa dilakukan secara online, namun karena saya masih belum mengerti prosedurnya dan Alhamdulillah dikasi rejeki, kesempatan dan kesehatan untuk ngurus di kampung halaman, ya sudah diurus sekalian aja.

jadi demikian pengalaman saya, semoga bermanfaat. :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

How to change Blogger admin account

if it works, then i'll try to write the full story :)

it works!!!

first of all, i apologized to Kangmas that eventhough i already said that i'm going to sleep yet i'm still here, well,, doing what i'm doing. but i'm really curious.

when i first started this blog, i was innocently using a yahoo mail to log in, while not noticing that it linked to a gmail account i was using at that moment.
i guess my english was not as good as how it is now. not to say my english is good, well yeah,, quite i guess. so i didn't noticed. haha.

the gmail account was only temporarily used so i forgot about it, and kept on using my ymail account to log in, until recently i realized that it was automatically using my temporarily gmail account to log in.
and i want to change it.
actually blogger already had a step by step guidance through their help here.
so i followed the guidance, but after accepting the invitation through my new gmail account, i didn't see the account showing in the author list.
i tried it again and again, sending invitation, accepting invitation, and even tried to publish this post. it doesn't work.

i also tried log out after sending the invitation, log in using new gmail account, accepting the invitation, log out, and log in to blogger using the new gmail account. but the blog was nowhere to be found.
so i tried another way.
after sending the invitation and log out, i open another window (IE, actually-- the other one i used was mozilla) and log in through the new window.
then i accept the invitation, and voila!
it shows. the new gmail account now showed on the author list.

after that, i log in using my previous gmail account in Mozilla, and voila!
the new author now listed! next thing i did was change the role of the new author as admin and delete 'me'.

and saved.
now i log in to this blog using my new gmail account. yay!

well done, me!!

that's all folks! good night!

Sunday, August 21, 2016



this feeling of uncomfortable.
panic attack?

just a random Post Menstrual Syndrom?

well i don't know, but this past few weeks, it just felt like i've lost my stepping stone. and i'm not holding onto a handrail either.
so yeah, kinda like a free fall, but not too high.
it just seems like i'm missing something.
but then when i kinda, yeah, i kinda figured out what did i missed and try to make it right, it turns out i guessed wrong.
instead of making it right, it became a complete chaos.
maybe not complete.
maybe it's an ongoing chaos.
woo wait.

that's kind of depressing, don't you think?
i've got Suba and Kachu here with me, so what could possibly wrong?

everything literally.
but i guess i just have a lot of things that i'm worried about, and i don't even know where to start, how to handle it, and next thing i know, it's too late.

setting priority might worked, but it's too late. it's all tangled now.
making a list of what i'm thinking? and list all possible solution?
yea. that could actually work.

but where should i start?
just the other night i had my fill of motivation training. on how to make one self into an Inter-dependence character, not a dependence.
one who sees through all aspect, and not putting the blame on others.
gotta tell you, that's hard.

but it's a good thing, if you'd like to keep walking forward.
if not, then.. it's your choice.


i don't even know what i was trying to say. or do.
something feels off.

let's just watch some tv shows.

Monday, August 8, 2016


and that's what my elder sister's exact word.


yep. it happened.
Alhamdulillah, Bismillah, one step forward.. :)

it wasn't perfect, but it happened.
and it was reassuring and enjoyable. :)

Semoga diberi kemudahan dan kelancaran dalam menuju halalNya.


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Small Talk

Terus si Ibu cerita.

"Ujian itu ada supaya kita ga lupa.
Allah itu pencemburu, kalau kita ga minta, kita sombong.
Minta aja sebanyak-banyaknya.
Kalau ada masalah dalam rumah tangga jangan cerita ke orang tua, ke teman.
Apalagi ke sahabat. Sahabat itu bisa jadi bumerang.
Kalau ada masalah ceritanya sama Allah saja.
InsyaAllah pasti masalahnya berangsur-angsur ilang.
Kalau habis shalat luangkan waktu tiga menit aja.
Minta sebanyak-banyaknya.
Meskipun lagi tenang juga minta aja. Itu aja."

Terus ada yang teriak 'Terminal 1B!!'

Terus si Ibu pamit.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

My Very Own Winter in Japan

it feels like it's been a long time since i wrote here.

well. yeah. a lot of things happened.
but guess who's back? Sri Mulyani!! yess she's back.

but of course we wouldn't talk about her in here, right? duh, i made this blog by me and for me, and maybe for you, but, you would never decide what things you'd like me to write, so yeah. this is my blog about me.
talk about narcissist. haha

so, as you guys knew, i went to Japan about 4 months ago. yep. i know, i know. i understand. mukashi kara desu ne?
but really. i meant to not moving on from it. even maybe, maybe, and InsyaAllah Aamiin i will have another opportunity to go there in the future, i won't forget about February 29th, 2016.
the day that i first got my Landing Permission stamp from Japan Immigration Inspector. (Yattaa!!!)

the day that i first peed on a very sophisticated toilet that i had an urge to took a pict of it. yep. i took a pict of a toilet seat. well, what can i say? ahaha

Toilet seat in Haneda Airport

yep. that's the toilet. you had to flush the tissue, just the opposite of the common believes in my country. it actually dissolves very quickly.
and when you peed, there's this song's of nature, i mean like birds and waterfalls so that no one outside the toilet stall can heard you peed. awesome right?!
and you had to push the button to choose which type of sprayer you want to use. and also, the seat, it's warm!!
it was totally cold outside, even when we're inside the Haneda Airport. so sitting there was.. a blessing. hahahha

some people asked. 'why go to Japan in winter? it's cold and there are no Sakura.'
well, what can i say? in the middle of one night, i find a very great deal for flight tickets, i call my bestfriend, she said 'i'm in', and i click, and i pay.

later on i found out it will be winter there. so what?
i'm going. i'm definetely going. hahahaha

actually, i got to say, going there in late winter is actually a good decision.
well, of course, going there in early autumn will be very wonderful. the air will still quite cold but sakura's everywhere.
but late winter is not so bad. afterall i don't have to take a bath. and i don't sweat. and i believe i don't smell either (except my feet). so, it's good for backpacking. i don't have to bring a lot of clothes.
i only had one backpack, one shoulderbag, and one small tote bag for five days there. simple yeah?

besides, i got a glimpse of snow. and touched it a bit. well, it's just like the frost build up in a freezer, but heey! it's outside!!!

Snow Near Kawaguchiko Lake
oh yeah. talk about winter.
see my outfit? i actually already wearing the boot since i departed from my country. we transit in KL, so there were people looking at us. but hey, i'm not bringing another shoes and losing some space in my bag just to pleased you so, sushhh. *smirk
when we're on the plane to Japan, we actually feel kinda anxious. are we too overdress?
we never had winter before! >_<
but then, when we try to make a conversation with a japanese man who sits next to my bestfriend, i asked him whether our shoes is too 'overkill'. and he said, no, it's perfect since it's 10 degrees out there.
wait. did you just wondering how i make a conversation with him? it's simple actually. it's kinda like this:
Me : "ima kara, nihon ni wa, totemo... *hugging myself*"
Japanese man : "tsumetai ka?"
Me : "ah, hai, tsumetai desu ka? datte watashi tachi no boots wa.." (pointing at our boots)
Japanese man : "ah, OK, OK. (making an OK with his hand) #^%&^$* (speaking japanese)"
Me : (staring silently and stupidly and cutely - last mention is self-proclaimed)
Japanese man : (turning on his cellphone and showed that it's 10 degrees in Japan)
Me : "aah.. sou desu ka!!"
tadaaaa.. so simple right?! *wink both eyes

yesss.. it wasss coooldddd.
and when we arrived in our first stop, Akihabara, i felt my hands freeze. i can't even use my cellphone. and the wind,, aaaaaaa... superb!

Akihabara early in the morning. lots of the shop hasn't opened yet. and it's cold.
we need to find a place to warm us up. so we went to Gundam Cafe to find some warmth. *uhuk

Gundam Cafe - Akihabara
and yesss... the french fries is one that i've never felt before. very delicious!!! unbelievable!!
and the coffee is waaaaaarmmm..

at night we went to Tokyo Sky Tree. little did we know that the wind at night was more supeeerrb.
it was only 7 degrees but daaaaaaaaaammnnn it was suuuperrrr cold *Franky's Tone.
Tokyo Sky Tree!

okay, going on with the story.
i told my bestfriend two places i want to go. Akihabara, and of course. Fuji san!!!!
we're so lucky that the air was quite clear so we got to see Fuji san from Chureito Pagoda. the trip to go there quite challenging since you have to climb about 400 steps. didn't believe me? check it out here. oh yeah. i did sweat. a bit. just a bit.

i choose the one where my boots are visible so you won't think that it's googled. *huh

When one heard about winter in Japan, all one can think is ONSEN. Hot Spring. Hot Spring.
yess.. Hot Spring...

well, i  took a bath in Japan. twice.
once in Shin-Imamiya hotel, and once, the totally awesome experience of Culture Shock in Ooedo-Onsen-Monogatari.

i got to say, i'm shocked. truly shocked.

. . .

i'm still shocked.

. . .

okay, so.
My very own winter in Japan.

it's Awesome. :D

wait for my next story, y'all!
i was thinking about a story about Japanese toilet. that must be good. hm.

Saturday, May 21, 2016



saya nyasar di youtube.
ceritanya malem ini mau packing buat ngirim gelas CG ke anak2 CG.. kalau besok takut ga sempet.
terus malah youtube-an.
sampai jam segini.

alasannya simply karena beberapa hari belakangan lagi doyan nyari band-band lucu.
Mas Taka dan kawan-kawan sudah sedikit kurang pas di telinga, mungkin efek kelamaan di amrik sono. atau mungkin saya saja yang kurang bisa beradaptasi.
Mas ike juga karena keseringan denger jadinya udah mulai bosen. selain itu juga belum ada lagu baru juga sih. O.oa
but still lah, Mas Taka dan Mas Ike adalah cinta pertama dan kedua di penjelajahan awal dunia per-band-jepang-an.

but then tetiba ketemu band Alexandros. langsung suka dengan lagunya, Wataridori.
artinya juga bagus. nangkepnya sih tentang sahabat yang harus pisah, tapi mereka tetap yakin akan ketemu lagi suatu hari nanti.
karena lumayan lucu, jadi agak betah juga menjelajah lagu-lagunya Alexandros.
walhasil yang berhasil bersemayam di list winamp adalah : Wataridori (tentunya), Run Away, Dracula La, Famous Day, Starrrrrr, dan Adventure.

Setelah rasa-rasanya cukup, mulai berkeliaran lagi.
selanjutnya nemu GReeeeN. lagu pertama yang didengerin adalah Hana Uta. Lucu, settingnya anak sekolahan gitu. cukup lucu buat bikin penasaran dengan lagunya yang lain.
hasil jajahan sayangnya cuma dua, Hana Uta dan Kiseki.
saya lupa kenapa saya berhenti berkeliaran di GReeeeN. O.oa
nantilah saya lanjutkan lagi.

Oh iya, sebelumnya juga lagi suka sama Unison Square Garden. tapi hanya lagu Sugar Song to Bitter Step. yep. Ost Kekkai Sensen.
lagunya lucu, bisa bikin 'goyang'. tapi yang lainnya kurang pas. jadi, cukup satu saja.

dua hari yang lalu saya kesandung di Radwimps. kesandungnya ga tanggung-tanggung. satu lagu untuk dua hari berturut-turut. judulnya iin desu ka.
can't help it. setelah denger dan tau arti lagunya, jadi senyum-senyum sendiri, inget seseorang *insertemotyangpakekacamata.
lagunya juga cukup bikin 'goyang'. lebih goyang daripada Unison Square Garden sih.

nah. terus,,
karena tiap jam istirahat bukanya iin desu ka di youtube, ada cover-an yang tertangkap di sudut mata.
dulu seorang kawan yang juga suka OOR sempat merekomendasikan mereka, dan saya kayanya sempat coba mendengarkan,, tapi sepertinya kurang pas. buktinya sampai sekarang saya tidak pernah tertarik dengan mereka.
namun, setelah mendengar cover-an mereka untuk iin desu ka, well.. oke. oke. nice. oke.
yep, mereka adalah Goose House.
dan sekarang saya malah berkeliaran di Goose House karena mereka ternyata meng-cover lagu-lagu yang saya suka!
namun tentunya ada yang pas ditelinga dan ada yang sekedar lewat terus skip.
karena gatel nih tangan, yaudah sekalian saya bikin list saja.

note that ini totally a matter of personal taste ya..
i'm not judging, critcizing, or promoting. tapi simply penilaian telinga saja, untuk saya saja.
cuma kebetulan pengen nulis aja. haha

well, here it goes. three category for Goose House's cover.

1. Wataridori - Alexandros
2. Iin Desu Ka - Radwimps
3. Kiseki - GReeeeN
4. Chaosmyth - OOR

1. Sugar Song to Bitter Step - Unison Square Garden
2. 1/3 no junjou na kanjou - Siam Shade

MmhNono? O.oa
1. Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer - OOR
2. The Beginning - OOR
3. Wherever you are - OOR
4. Soredewa mata ashita - Asian Kungfu Generation
5. Solanin - Asian Kungfu Generation

Ah ya, pernah suka juga sama Asian Kungfu Generation,, tapi rasa-rasanya it was just a phase,
soalnya sekarang sudah tidak pernah kepikiran untuk nyari lagu-lagu mereka lagi. hm.

well, itu saja listnya. saya sudah mulai kriyep-kriyep.

so, Chyx Tape #7 Nyasar.

1. Iin Desu Ka - Radwimps (Original)
2. Iin Desu Ka - Radwimps (Goose House Cover)
3. Kiseki - GReeeeN (Original)
4. Kiseki - GReeeeN (Goose House Cover)

kenapa? kenapa cuma 2 lagu?
karena dua lagu itu talk about a simple yet deep love. >o<

gak percaya?
find the meaningful lyrics here Kiseki - GReeeeN and Iin Desu Ka - Radwimps.


Monday, March 28, 2016

i'm okay.

Sometimes, when people ask you how you're doing,
It might be a big hassle to say you're not okay.
Because then you would have to explain why, when even explaining might become a downbooster mood itself.
So it's easier to say that everything's an OK.
But maybe the person who asks you ask not just for a small talk, but they just wanted to understand you much better.
That they believe the world is as simple as asking and answering question.

But i guess the world is not that simple.
And i need to understand you much better.
I want to understand you much better.
Guess i'm a selfish arrogant egosentric person afterall.
And i need to learn how the world works. Or i might lose you.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Gagal MoveOn - Clothes

Jadi ceritanya belum pernah ngerasain winter.
rada parno sih jatuhnya. haha..
pengen beli winter coat, winter boots, winter gloves, winter itu dan winter ini.
sempat mau beli scarf, tapi alhamdulillah gak jadi, karena sepertinya terlalu lebay.

yep, suhu paling rendah yang saya rasakan disana adalah 3,9 C, tapi semakin lama disana, rasa-rasanya mulai sedikit beradaptasi. atau mungkin karena wilayah yang kami datangi adalah Tokyo - Kyoto - Osaka, yang tentunya gak sedingin Hokkaido. atau mungkin karena kami terus bergerak? bisa jadi. tapi dingin sih. hahaha

paling gak tahan kalau tangannya yang dingin, jadi heatech gloves-nya Uniqlo sangat membantu. tapi inget, beli saat diskon saja. lumayan ngirit 50k. :D
tapi balik lagi ke budget yang disiapkan sih,, kalau budgetnya unlimited, ya silakan aja beli heatech gloves yang kulit. sepertinya lebih hangat.
tapi, daripada beli di toko-toko winter di Ambassador atau mungkin Sarinah, heatech uniqlo sangat worth the price. gloves yang saya beli harganya 99k (harga diskon, tentunya), rajutan (kalau yang kulit sekitar 200k), dan jari telunjuk serta jempolnya sudah bisa digunakan untuk touchscreen smartphone. not bad, eh?
kalau di ambassador saya pernah nemu yang harganya 150k, dan gak mau kurang.

sedangkan untuk boots dan coat, sempat nyari-nyari juga di sarinah terus pusing, iya, soalnya harganya kebanyakan angka. dan titik. saya ga butuh yang titiknya dua, saya maunya yang titiknya satu dan angka kecil-kecil mendekati nol gitu.
sebenarnya beli online ada resikonya juga. pertama, nyampe atau tidak, kedua, masalah ukuran, ketiga, kualitas.
masalah pertama, nyampe atau tidak.
untuk boots alhamdulillah percobaan pertama langsung nyampe.
tapi coat? nope. empat kali. dua kali di penjual yang sama, karena katanya salah nulis alamat, satu kali untuk jenis coat yang sama tapi di penjual yang berbeda, tapi sama sellernya ternyata dicancel dan uang saya dikembalikan, alhamdulillahnya pas dibalikin kursnya lagi naik. yaay!
dan akhirnya di percobaan ke empat berhasil.
oh ya, untungnya ebay dan paypal sangat helping untuk mengatasi seller yang aneh-aneh. tapi, pay attention to the rules!

masalah kedua, ukuran
alhamdulillah seller yang produknya saya beli memberikan detail ukuran di list productnya, sehingga lumayan bisa ngira-ngira lah.
jadi,, begitu sampai pun Alhamdulillah pas. yaaay!

masalah ketiga, kualitas.
alhamdulillah lagi, barang-barang yang saya beli benar adanya seperti gambar dan deskripsi seller. jadi so far so good.

yang perlu dicatat saat membeli barang online adalah baca baik-baik deskripsi produknya.
kawan seperjalanan saya terpaksa membeli sepatu baru di Shinjuku karena ternyata boots yang dia beli adalah sepatu wedges yang cukup tinggi. padahal saya ajakin naik 6 lantai di Akihabara, iya, naik tangga, dan muter-muter berjam-jam.
setelah menerima bootsnya, baru kami cek ulang deskripsinya, dan ternyata sudah ada informasi bahwa boots tersebut sebenarnya wedges.

jadi ini tampilan produk yang saya beli di ebay dan tampilan saat digunakan. sekalian nampang.:

Women's Flat Lace Up Fur Lined Winter Martin Boots Snow Ankle Boots Casual Shoes for IDR 246.814
Women's Winter Fashion Long Slim Down Cotton Hooded Parka Coats Jacket Outwear IDR 329.285

suka foto ini!! saya kelihatan langsing. *eh
cool coat, eh? sakunya dalem dan ada retsletingnya.
coat dan boots.
lucuu.. bisa diginiin ternyata :D

yaah.. gitu deh. hihihihi

1st Segment. Preparation

you should be prepared.
Whenever you wanted to go on a trip, you should be well prepared. say, clothes, money, planning,and physical strength.

my 1st time in Japan was for 5 days 4 nights. but the trip itself took 7 days and 6 nights.
the first night we spent in Haneda Airport, and the last night on the flight back to KL.

the first night was okay, but the last night was not so much. i mean, you have to sleep on a chair in a cheap flight which is no where near comfortable. i even got the window seat but i still can't sleep well. what do you expect? yeah, low price never go with high quality, of course. haha.
so, be prepared.

we went there in winter season, because it's the cheapest price we found.
we spent quite some money on clothing, because as south-east asian-er, we never have winter. we live where 30 C is common, so we don't have any clothes that might work for less than 10 C.
so we bought winter jacket (a thick one), heatech legging, shirt, and gloves, and winter boots. bought my jacket and boots from ebay, and, i can say, i'm not disappointed. yay!
it's cool taking picture with those cool-looking jacket and boots, but, if you're planning on having a lot of walks, i mean like a looot of walks, maybe you should consider how comfortable your shoes is. unless you wanted to have a sore feet.
and, it turns out, you don't have to wear winter boots. yes, it's true that it's cold, but you can warm your feet with a lot of socks, without spending more money on a winter boots. i even took my legging off because my feet were sweaty.
i don't really know whether my heatech shirt do the magic, because i have a thick jacket. but the gloves quite helping although i can still feel the cold.
i didn't bring a lot of clothes, just two pieces in fact. i change clothes every two days. besides, it's winter. no matter how long you walks, you'd never get sweaty. unless you're climbing the stairs to Chureito Pagoda. that was my first drop of sweat.

bring money. if its more than 10.000 yen, you'll be asked to fill some document.
i brought 5.000, but because an unexpected expenses, i had to go to the post office to take money from ATM. I used Mandiri by the way. it charges about 20k IDR. the post office attendant was very helpful. :)

it goes with a looot of researching. you'd never know what you'll have when you get there. you might have plan A, but you got to have another plan, in case it doesn't work. and if you don't, then you have to make it quick. you can't stay too long in one place or else, you'll just wasting your time which for the sake of your experience, is very valuable.
and you can't make a quick decision if you didn't do research. at least you have to know where to go, what to do, and so on.
in Japan yes there are a lot of free wifi area, such as, hotel, manga cafe, train station, and airport.
but some free wifi in train station can only be accessed through registering and opening your email, which if we didn't have wifi access, then how would we check the email??
if you wanted a safer trip, you had to have wifi where you want it when you need it. and if roaming is out of the question, then go rent some pocket wifi. which i did. and it helps. a lot. and it charges. a lot. T__T
but it's better than roaming your phone.

Electronic Device
Power bank and Universal adaptor. yep. you need it. and make sure it's working perfectly. because mine doesn't. hiks.
but luckily i have another charger from the pocket wifi i rent, so when the pocket wifi is full, i can re-charge my power bank. i always chose to re-charge my power bank at night instead of my cellphone, because i can always re-charge my cell using powerbank on the day without having to stuck in one place.

JR Pass.
calculate it thoroughly. and unless you wanted to spent more than 29.110 yen on your trip for train expenses, don't buy JR Pass.
yes, it's true it's easier, but Shinkansen for Tokyo - Osaka only about 8-9k yen one way. a round trip would spend say, 18k. Shinkansen Kyoto - Osaka was only 500-700 yen, and the local/Metro/JR train was about 200-300 yen.
we bought JR Pass thinking that we can spent one of our night in Night Train, or the NobiNobi Seat which cost about 15k yen, so it should be okay. but unfortunately, the NobiNobi Seats on Sunrise Izumo was full booked. so instead of saving money, we ended up on spending money to find a place to sleep. yes, it was quite a disappointment.
so, plan and calculate carefully and thoroughly.

Physical Strength.
since time is valuable, you need to move your cute ass from one place to another, and if you got sick or tired in the middle of it, then it wouldn't be fun anymore.
so make it enjoyable! you have to be healthy!
especially if you want to climb nearly 400 stairs to go to Chureito Pagoda. (oh my feeeet!!!)

if you're a moslem, then it'll be quite difficult to find a place that's safe to eat. at least you need to find fish-based dishes or vegetarian dishes. and even if you find one, it'll be quite expensive.
i spent three days eating bread and sausage which i brought from home, and another three days eating Seaweed Onigiri (110 yen) from Lawson. yep, i think i lose some weight. hahaha
oh yeah. don't forget. no liquid going through the immigration entrance. you have to drink it all or throw it away. your call.

since i was using a non baggage-seat on a low-fare flight, so it means i have to be thoughtful on how i'm using my bag. i can only carry one backpack, along with one totebag or handbag. but i actually brought a small shoulder bag, really small that it wasn't count as one. lol.
but it helps, because i put my wallet, passport and JR Pass there.
i really wanted to say that i was backpacking in Japan, but i don't think that's the case. i mean, yeah, i only bring backpack, but i still find the safety in the hands of rented pocket wifi and JR Pass. if i were really backpacking, i wouldn't have those.
back to backpack, you still need to calculate how much gifts and souvenir you'll bring. because once you bring more than one backpack and one handbag, you'll be subject to baggage fees. and it's expensive. :D

so that's all for preparation that i remember on doing.
see you on next detailed segment!

Monday, March 7, 2016

2nd step out there!!! Dreams do come true!!

Alhamdulillah,, MasyaAllah,,
Alhamdulillah,, Dreams do come true, guys!!
well,, at least give your best effort and keep praying that Allah will make it easier for you.
and for me, all i can say is Alhamdulillah. :)

well, starting on feb 29, and end on march 6, of course i have a lot of things to write here.
there's a lot of things i like to talk about, but it'll be a quite long writing, so i decided to divided it into segments.

first here, the Itinerary.

We came to japan bringing our own itinerary, a very detailed one, down to the minutes.
it states how long we will stay in one place, how long we have to walk, and also the amount of time the trains took. our itinerary can be summarized like this:

Feb 29
Arrived in Haneda, booking Ghibli Studio's ticket, buy Pasmo/Suica card.
sleep: Haneda Airport

March 1
Exchange our JR Pass, booking NobiNobi Seat - Sunrise Izumo to Kyoto.
Walking around Akihabara, Shibuya, Odaiba (real size Gundam) and Ooedo Monogatari Onsen.
sleep: Booth Net and Cafe, Shinjuku

March 2
Go to Kawaguchiko using Highway Bus near Shinjuku Sta, explore KachiKachi Ropeway, Arakura Sengen Shrine, and Chureito Pagoda
at night, Tokyo Sky Tree
sleep: NobiNobi seats, Sunrise Izumo, to Kyoto.

March 3
Arrived in Kyoto, Explore Saga Arashiyama (Bamboo Groves, Saga toriimoto preserved street, Nisonin temple, Tenryuji Temple, Togetsukyo Bridge).
Explore Toei Studio Park
Go to Osaka using Shinkansen at evening, buy Osaka amazing free pass.
Floating Garden Observatory and HEP Five wheels at night.
sleep: Shin-Imamiya hotel.

March 4
Universal Studio, Tsutenkaku Tower, Tennouji Zoo, Osaka Castle, Dotonburi, Tombori River Cruise,
Shinkansen to Tokyo at night.
Sleep: Manga net darts Museum Ginza, Tokyo

March 5
Explore Ghibli Studio
Back to Haneda airport.

March 6
Transit in KL, arriving in Jakarta :)

but then,, what happened was..

Day 1 - feb 29
not much to do here, since our flight is a connecting flight so we have to transit in KL before going to Japan. it took all day, and we arrive in Haneda around 11 pm. just close enough to have a run to Softbank to pick up our pocket wifi before it closes on 11 pm.
and then, we buy our Pasmo card. there's nothing else to do since everything already closed, except Lawson on the 1st floor, so we slept. yep. at the airport. well, we're not the only who did that so yeah, it feels safe. but since it's winter, damn it's feezing.


actually we plan on buying Ghibli Studio's ticket in Lawson for March 5, but unfortunately it was all sold out. so we have to make a new itinerary arrangement. Alhamdulillah my best friends and I didn't have a lot of difference and i can say, quite compatible, so we didn't have any difficulties in making a new itinerary on the spot. well, actually we postponed the discussion until we get to Shibuya. lol.
we also tried to find any Halal Label's food in Lawson, but we couldn't find any. hmpf.

Day 2 - March 1
we had to wait until 7.45 for the JR office in Haneda open because we had to exchange our JR Pass there. i spent most of my time sleeping on the chair, lol.
oh, we had our first experience on using vending machine in Haneda Airport. and the restroom is a beautiful place. i mean, it's awesome. the restroom is totally different than what we have in our country. call me ndeso, but really it's awesome. i'll talk about it in different segment. ok?
so we went to JR Office, it located near the entrance of Tokyo Monorail. we were going to exchange our JR Pass and also make a reservations for NobiNobi Seat on the Sunrise Izumo Night Train. it's awesome. it has a sleeping place and it costs 14.500 yen. we were planning to go to Kyoto using that train.
but unfortunately, note this. JR Office in Haneda Airport can only make reservation for the day. it cannot make another day reservation, so we have to go to another JR Office. The officer told us that we can go to any other JR office in any stations. there, we can make an early reservation.
so, off we go to our first stop of the day - itinerary based, Akihabara, using our JR Pass to get on the Tokyo Monorail.
Going to Akihabara means transit in Hamamatsucho Sta and continued using JR Yamanote Lines.
and so, we arrived.
it was really, really cold, and it's only around 9 am. so yeah, no shops were open. yet. you can have an English Guide Map in Tourist Information Center for free.
we put our luggage in the coin locker so we can move freely. it costs 500 yen, we pick the medium size. and it used 100 yen-coin, so make sure you have the coins. or if you don't, you can go buy something in the family mart just next to the coin locker.
we walk around and then after a while we realize that no shops open yet, so we decided to go to Gundam Cafe. Alhamdulillah, it's open. and yes, we were their first customers.
the french fries is topnotch. a must try.
so after finishing our meal, we go out just in time the shops are opening. so we make a grand tour, i can say, because Akihabara is my main reason to go to Japan. yep, i'm going hunter mode. for Chopper and Sadaharu. we spend quite a lot of time there, and going in and out several stores. but i only found Chopper and Sadaharu that worth the money in our last two stops. it was Adores (Akiba 1131 Bldg.) and Takarada Musen Main Store.
we also make a stop at Laox. there we buy some souvenirs and halal foods. the shop assistance just happened to be Indonesian, so we have quite a lil chitchat there. and then he showed us the praying room and giving us directions for halal restaurants around akihabara. in Laox, if you spend min. 5.000 yen, you can show them your passport and it'll be tax free.
In Akihabara we went to JR Office to booked NobiNobi seats, but unfortunately, it was full booked. so we were yeah, shocked.

after that, we picked our bag, and go to the next stop. Shibuya.
in Shibuya we didn't put our luggage because we didn't plan on walking around.
there we took pictures with Hachiko statue. it was really crowded and there's a lot of people who'd like to take pictures, so we have to be patient. after taking pic, we took another pic on the famous Shibuya crossing. really. that's a lot of people.
and then we became so hungry. so we decided to eat French fries (again) in Burger King. there we also talk about our new plan, since the plan to Ghibli studio has been erased and leaving us a whole day unoccupied. so we decided to change our plan for the day, and also, where we would spend the night because the NobiNobi seats were full booked.
we moved Odaiba and Onsen to our last day, and we will go to Tokyo Sky Tree from here.
for March 3, we make reservations for Shinkansen Tokyo - Kyoto (6.26) and March 4 Shin-Osaka - Tokyo (17.16). but we haven't decided where to sleep on March 2.
so off we go to Tokyo Sky Tree. it costs 2.060 yen for 350 mtr.
it was freezing.
we were so tired, and it was quite late at night, around 10 pm, and we go to Shinjuku.
there we stayed at Booth Net and Cafe. it was quite cozy and doesn't seem like your usual cheap hotel. instead, it's a sophisticated Manga Cafe.
this is our room, just enough for the two of us, with mat to sleep. the restroom are really comfy. it's really recommended for those who wants to have a cheap place to sleep. it costs 2.080 yen for 8 hours, and it has free wifi and free drinks.

Day 3 - March 2
we go out early in the morning because we planned to ride the 7.10 bus to Kawaguchiko.
we were supposed to sleep in Tokyo that night, but since there are X Factors, which is our parents keep asking us on where we sleep, and if we go to Tokyo that means it will be another Manga cafe, and it's not proper of course, so we decided to spend another night in Booth Net and Cafe. the difference is we will have the capsule room, which costs 2.800 yen for 10 hours. 
so we put our luggage in a coin locker in Shinjuku.

when we get to the Highway Bus' office, we didn't get the seat on 7.10, so we have to ride on the 7.40. but they gave us the option to get on the cancellation seat list. luckily, someone cancelled their reservations on 7.10 so we can have it. the bus costs 1.750 yen.
When you arrived in Kawaguchiko, go to the tourist information center, and ask about KachiKachi Ropeway. why? because they'll give you a coupon to get a 650 yen round trip for each person on your group. if you didn't, then you'll have to pay 720 yen each. :D
after that we went to Chureito Pagoda, using the local train. the stairs are hiiigh... and amazingly, there are students who run through it ups and downs (yes, with s, a couple times), while we were hardly catching our breath.
the view is awesome, you can see Mt. Fuji quite clearly. unfortunately for us, there was a cloud covering a part of Fuji San, but well, now i can print my own Fuji San calendar! lol.
after that we plan to go back to Shinjuku on 15.40 only to find that the next available seats are on 18.10. note this, don't forget to reserved your seats. lol.
the officer gave us choices to go to either Tokyo or Shibuya. so we chose to go to Shibuya that leaves on 16.00.
there was a traffic jam so we arrived in Shibuya around 7 pm. and then i just happen to take a quick look on our initial itinerary and found a place named "One Piece Mugiwara Store" in our Shibuya schedule. when i showed it to my best friends, she agreed.
so, we go there. note this, One Piece Mugiwara Store is located on 6th floor of Parco Shopping Mall.
the shop was awesome!
after that, we go back to Shinjuku. picking up our luggage, and go to Booth Net and Cafe.

Day 4 -March 3
we left at 5 from Booth Net and Cafe to get on 6.26 Shinkansen to Kyoto.
we put our luggage in Kyoto and then we explore Saga Arashiyama. but since we have climbed all those stairs yesterday, honestly our feet are tired. so we cut the places we want to visit down to three places, Togetsukyo Bridge, Tenryouji Temple, and Bamboo Groves. we didn't even bother to finished our walk in Bamboo grooves, lol.
but then we found a Muslim Friendly Restaurant there. although it costs around 1.600 yen each, but at least we have a decent meal after 3 days eating only bread, sausage, and onigiri. while eating we were making plans on what time we had to leave for Osaka.
and then we went to Toei Studio Park. but if we go in, we wouldn't catch the Shinkansen we wanted to go to Osaka. so we just take a pic, got a lil bit lost, and then finally found our way back to Kyoto Station, just in time to get on 15.13 Shinkansen to Osaka.
as soon as we arrived in Osaka, we had to go to Umeda Sta to buy Osaka Free Amazing Pass. note this, Osaka station and Umeda Station is in the same building. but after talking to the officer, we decided not to buy the Osaka Free Amazing Pass.
and then we set off to go to Shin Imamiya Hotel. it's a nice hotel, but i guess i watch too many Yamishibai, so i got scared on my own. but it went Ok.
after having some rest and onigiri, we set off to HEP Five Wheels. yep, once again we scratched out Floating Garden Observatory on our list because we were tired.
HEP Five wheels is 105 mtr high, and costs 500 yen. they took your pic before going up, and they sell it on your way out.
after that we went back to hotel, and sleep. oh yeah. i massage my own feet with counterpain that night.

Day 5 - March 4
after counting costs that we need to pay as the effect of not buying Osaka Free Amazing Pass and also taking our Shinkansen back to Tokyo schedule in mind, we decided to go to Tennouji Zoo and Dotonburi.
even after all those cutting places and time, seems like the time we spent in Dotonburi is really really short. oh yeah, things in Don Quijote is expensive and not really many choices. except if you want to buy foods without halal label. they have lots of it.
if you want to buy souvenir, buy it in Laox or in a souvenir shop in Daiba Diver City Shopping Mall. those places have halal, cheaper and cuter things.
but the cruise is worth to try. well it's quite expensive- 900 yen,  but it's the experience that counts.
after that we went to Dotonburi, and bought 10 pcs Takoyaki for 720 yen, with No Sauce. yes. No Sauce. since the non halal is on the sauce. it's good!! oishii! totally different from Takoyaki here. they really put Takoyaki in it! ahahha
after that we went to Shin-Osaka station and get on the Shinkansen to Tokyo.
we arrived around 20.10, and as for the place to sleep, we decided to stay in Booth Net and Cafe, again.
and maybe that's just the way it has to be, because we still needs to buy souvenir and Laox have a main branch there.

Day 6 - March 5
we get off our cozy little capsule room on 07.30, wandering around shinjuku, grab a french fries and a cup of hot tea in Burger King, and when Laox is at opening hours, we went there.
after that we went to Muji because one of my friend ask me to buy something there. if we didn't spend the night in Shinjuku, i wouldn't think all those things are possible.
after that we went to Odaiba to see a Life Size Gundam and Onsen.
we went to Onsen first because the Gundam wouldn't start moving until 5.30 pm.
in Onsen... it's a culture shock. yep. culture shock.
the Gundam is Ok, there are a lot of people taking pictures and videos.
that's my finger, just to show that it's not some random pic i found in google, Lol
after that we went to Haneda airport, and prepare to leave.
we board the plane on 22.40, and it was really hard to sleep. my body's ache all over,, hahaha

Day 7 - March 6
we arrived in KL around 7 am, and get on 9 am flight to Jakarta.
after arriving in Terminal 3, Soekarno Hatta int airport, our trip hasn't end. we took the shuttle bus to Terminal 1B, yes, to bought A&W. yes, we were hungry.
after that,, the trip officially ended.

that's all for itinerary segment.

we will continued in another segment for detailed information, OK?

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Dear LA,

Hey! i miss you!
wanna spend some time and talk about nothing and everything all at once?

really miss you,man..
well yeah,, maybe i'm just a lil bit tired,,

do you think we can have a lil good time together?
i'm stuck man,, i'm stuck.

with love,.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Kenapa yondaime?

Karena kita tidak akan membahas yondaime di sini. haha. gotcha!

Well ya.. Karena yondaime literally means fourth.
Iya fourth.
Ke empat.

Iya ga c?
Empat? Atau lima?
i lose count.

Mungkin saya sedang lelah.
Mungkin anda juga sedang lelah.

Empat ya? Apa lima?

Tapi semakin bertambah jumlahnya juga doesn't make it any easier kayanya.
Malah tambah berat rasa-rasanya.
Padahal berat saya udah turun lho.

Mungkin saya hanya panik.
Mungkin saya hanya takut.
Mungkin saya berlebihan.

Empat? Atau lima?
I lose count.

Mungkin saat kita bangun besok.
Berat ini bisa berkurang.
Karena rasa-rasanya.. Saya takut saya tidak sekuat itu.

Empat? Atau lima?
I lose count.
Tapi.. i hope i wouldn't have to count anymore.


Sleep tight, nice dream.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Kekkai Sensen - New Promising Anime!


found ya!
finally,, a new promising anime..
well it's worth the wait lah.
the only downside of this anime is their totally long and doesn't make sense move (jutsu) names.

Well, let's see...

Klaus Von Reinherz's jutsu:
Brain Grid Blood Battle Style (ブレングリード流血闘術 Buren Gurīdo-ryū Kettō Jutsu) which have a lot of styles, such as:
Pattern 999 - Ewigkeit Gefängnis (999式・封縛獄久遠棺(エヴィグシュカイトゲフェングニス) Kyūhyakukyūjūkyū Shiki - Evigushukaito Gefengunisu)

Steven A. Starphase's jutsu:
Esmerelda Blood Freeze (エスメラルダ式血凍道 Esumeraruda-shiki Kettōdō) which also have a couple styles, such as:
Espada del Cero Absoluto (絶対零度の剣 (エスパーダデルセロアブソルート) Esupāda deru Sero Abusorūto)

and somehow they just have to yell it everytime they attack. i mean... aw come on! it's too long!! make it short!! >__<

why don't you make it simple like Roronoa Zoro's Oni Giri (literally demon slash, but actually word pun from Onigiri), Ebima Yonezu Oni Giri (literally : Charm Demon Sleepless Night Demon Slash, Pun Words: Ebi Mayonezu Onigiri -ebi means prawn).

but still, this one quite entertaining. i just reach ep 4, and i completely fall in love. hopefully there'll be no hidden romance in this anime. but as far as i can read in MAI genre, this anime categorized as Action, Fantasy, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural, Vampire. 
So,, no romance, right? :D

so here's some cut scenes in Kekkai Sensen - Blood Blockade Batlefront, ep.4.

The perks of living as Anime character.
you wouldn't know when you'll get struck by a metal piece and knock you to the ground, and hell, you wouldn't know when you'll get struck by a piece of glass and have blood pouring down from your head! bwahahahahha

"Just now! just now, that ultra-sorcerous whatsit got knocked out of the sky by a meteor!
i've never seen anything get hit by a meteor before!"
(Zapp Renfro, on a train with Blitz T Abrams, the most cursed yet luckiest human ever)


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mixed Feeling

kalau nonton yang satu ini emang mixed feeling sepertinya.

cuma pengen ngepost screenshot yang sepertinya lumayan lucu untuk di-share.
refer to postingan sebelumnya, masih di tema Shigeshige Shogun's Death.
yep. Spoiler alert. Shigeshige wa sinda.

Kondo dan Matsudaira ditangkap untuk dijadikan kambing hitam, Shinsengumi dibubarkan.
Disaat Toshi galau, Sougo ternyata tetep berpegang pada shinsengumi code.

Article 4 of the Shinsengumi Code,
"When the Chief is away, the Vice Chief will have full control of the squad. The troops are to follow his orders."

Dan akhirnya, for the first time in Gintama's History, Shinsengumi bekerjasama dengan Joi Rebels.
serius kan ceritanya?
iya, serius.

selain itu, Katsura juga ditangkap pada saat menyelamatkan Gintoki. meskipun ternyata hanya plot agar bisa melarikan diri dengan Kondo. tapi saya suka quotes ini:
"if we can't tell who we should punish and who we should protect, we cops are done for." (Kozenigata Heiji)
seandainya di Indonesia para pelindung rakyat berpikiran seperti ini... *pesansponsor

Kozenigata Heiji

tapi di tengah-tengah cerita serius ini pun kok yaaa.... hm.
adegan yang paling saya pengen promosiin adalah dimana Sougo hampir berantem dengan Joi Rebels yang sudah bergabung dengan Shinsengumi yang lainnya.

Dan berikut adalah adegan-adegan yang super menurut saya.

 Yup. Akuma da.

waktu itu Elizabeth (Joi Rebels, the Duck one) dan Shimura (Shinsengumi) berusaha menceritakan rencana mereka ke Sougo.
Namun, yang terjadi adalah sebagai berikut:

bwahahah.. well, kalau kaya gini sih siapa yang bakal percaya? O.oa

selain itu, saya sempat ke toilet dulu. jadi sempat mem-pause film.
balik-balik menemukannya dalam keadaan berikut: *shocking soda

Nyaris lupa tadi nonton apa.. O.o"

tapi tetep, yang terkeren adalah:

Awesome kann?

Sayonara, Shigeshige Shogun..

Honestly pengen ngepost ini banget. somewhere.
path? no. gak banyak yang ngerti.
facebook? no. terlalu banyak yang lihat. lagipula kesan yang timbul adalah I took Anime very seriously.
but i guess i did. if i didn't then this post would never exist.

"There's no point. No matter whether you win or not, no matter what you protect or lose, there's no meaning to war. Glorify it all you want, but it's a pointless exercise that leaves behind nothing but corpses and sins in it wake. If there's anything, it's the will to create a world free of such senseless crap by fighting oneself instead of the enemy." (Sakata Gintoki, Gintama 2015 ep 43)

Sayonara Shigeshige Shogun,, guess we wouldn't see pixelated cr*p as much as when you're around.. hiks..

Monday, February 8, 2016


Untuk yang satu ini saya tidak mau mendahului nasib.
saya juga tidak ingin takabbur. rawan kepeleset soalnya. jadi mari kita bahas secara ilmiah saja.
referensi google tentunya.

well, tapi untuk yang satu ini saya ingin berdoa sebanyak-banyaknya biar kesampean.

jadi, katanya, doa itu pasti didengar.
gak percaya?
Al Samii`. Maha Mendengar.
Al Mujiib. Maha Mengabulkan.

Allah itu Maha segala-galanya.
"Jadilah, maka terjadilah"

Mau minta rezeki? Allah itu Ar Razzaaq (Maha Memberi Rezeki).
Mau minta hidup sejahtera? Allah itu As Salaam (Maha Memberi Kesejahteraan)
Mau minta keamanan? Allah itu Al Mu'min (Maha Memberi Keamanan)
Mau minta ampunan? Allah itu Al Ghafuur (Maha Memberi Pengampunan)
Mau minta petunjuk? Allah itu Al Haadii (Maha Pemberi Petunjuk)

dan masih banyak nama-nama Allah yang lainnya,
tapi saya takut mengetik lebih banyak lagi.
takut ilmu saya yang tentunya masih kurang banyak. takut malah salah menyebut nama-namaNya.

tapi yang ingin saya sampaikan,
Allah itu Maha Mendengar dan Maha Bijaksana. Allah Maha Mengabulkan doa-doa hambaNya.
Tidak ada satupun hal yang terjadi di dunia ini tanpa kehendakNya.
jadi jangan lupa berdoa.

ada cerita, segerombolan orang akan shalat istisqa'. meminta hujan. tapi hanya satu orang yang membawa payung.
hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya satu orang yang yakin bahwa doanya akan didengar dan dikabulkan.
jadi, jangan lupa optimis kalau doanya bakal dikabulkan.

masalah kapan dan bagaimananya, Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Mari berdoa dengan optimis!! :D

Aamiin, Aamiin ya Rabbal'alamin...