Sunday, September 22, 2013

ScrapBlog - #3 (2012 - 2013)

hoho.. though it's still on September 2013,, but well,, whatever. haha

@Ancol, With my Eldest Sister,, My beloved kak wuwuuu :D :D

My first online shopping.. Mugiwara no Uchy!! :D
eh, Mbak Ani nongol,, wkwk

Festival Jakarta Tempo Dulu,, *if i'm not mistaken, haha
@la piazza, with Zeen
ps: i can't get into that shirt anymore. i need a bigger size. haks

Ennichisai!! I played the shooting games and got a chopper mask! yaay! hihihi
@Blok M, with K wuwuuu :D

Historial Event from Klub Historia Indonesia,,

Geng Kebon Sirih, OJT, haha
Yudhis 'Oniisan'-Me-Iqbal-Dias

Last classroom study before Final Presentation,, haks,,

Another historial event,,
@Gedung BI, with my beloved sistaaa.. K wuwuu

Unscheduled Junior High School Reunion @ Makassar,, thank you for coming on such a short notice ya temaan!! *couple of hours before,, and you guys come running, hihihi

Batu!!!! dalam rangka nikahan Winda dan Yuaa :D
with Wisnu, Wendi, Wening, Zeen, Dom,,

Japan Matsuri, Lap. Monas with my beloved sistaa.. K wuwuu :D

Saturday Night,, @Kelapa Gading Mall, photo taken by My Bro, Arif 'Potter'

Dinas Makassar,, Begadang sampai jam 2 di lobby, digigitin nyamuk, pesen kopi, haks
@air terjun Malino

SAP Training,, I used to understand,, but now.. mm.. mmm

Preparing my eldest sister's "lamaran"

Firework!! @Atap Kosan
Mbak Dina-Me-Toen

huahahahhahahhahahah i'm touched!! my birthday,
Ibu kos-mbak dina-me-toen

Jogjaa!!!! with my cousin, Sandi,, :D
u've grown to a fine man, my cousin,, hewheh

My Eldest Sister's Wedding day!!! moom!! daad!!!

The moment that changed my life. some people hate me. some even hate me more. but i truly have no regret for saying what i'm saying at that moment. ha.

Alhamdulillah. Tanjung Bira, photo taken by Karjo
mb wind-mas ais-me.

hihihihi.. Dufaaan!!!!!!
and.. for un-date-able moment,, haha

Panitia Ospek, hoho

lupa. wkwkwk

Kapan lagi ngerayain ultah di Truk Pasir/Sapi lagi jalan?

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