Just surfing around my pics collection,, picking some of them.. just to see,, how far i am now..
Malang Tempo Doeloe,, Mb Aril-Toen-Me-Yua |
The photo was taken at the Indikator's Photography event.
but i totally forget why and what for. guess i'm getting older.
from left to right: Dina, Nince, Me, Yua, Lindsay, and Toen.
damn i miss those Cargo jeans. *my mom throw it away just after i finished college. sigh. |
i guess it's just some random night where we sat together and drinking, eating, and talking.
that was the very moment where happiness is simple. just being with friends, no fancy food or place, just a glass of nescafe ice and a plate of Omelette with noodle. and a bunch of friends. as you guys can see, no cellphone on the table. not a single one. that's a prove, how simple our life was.
taken at Tempat Ngopi Keramik Tanah Agung (KTA) - which is not there anymore, sigh.
from left to right: Potter, Toen, Alde, Linda, Me, Melon, Carin, Dakocan, Yua |
hm. if i'm not mistaken, that was after IOF being held. "Syukuran", i don't know how to say it in English. our own modified-thanksgiving maybe?
IOF, or Indikator October Fair, that was unfortunately actually held in September. i forgot how we fight for using IOF instead of ID (Indikator Days) for celebrating LPM Indikator's birthday.
i was, at the moment, acting cashier for the Book fair event (which every morning i had to find someone to gave me a ride to the nearest SPBU to have some change). and i was, also, acting as The Treasury. that's why i get the chance to accept the first cut of the Nasi Tumpeng from Lindsay, acting as the chairman. |
this was taken when we just want to get a saturday night together.
we just walking around in our campus, at night, taking picture everywhere, any style. the pic was taken in front of LPM Indikator, when there were no night-watch campus' security walking down our corridor.
i missed those time. i really do.
from left to right: Kobong, Portal, Toen, Me. |
this pic was taken at one of the rented house in Coban Rondo, where we held our regular evaluation. the head of committee for the event was Potter, and that time i was standing guarding the WC's door because it can't be locked.
but even when one were guarding the toilet's door, one can't easily ignore the camera's eye. |
one of the very best moment.
unforgettable. the very moment that i talked about when asked to tell an inspiring story in morning briefing at BRI Cabang Brawijaya, when i was an intern.
taken at Jonggring, where we walked for more than 3 hours, bringing a lot of stuff, from the heaviest thing to just a stupid-big-cow-plush-which-i-don't-care-anymore-whether-it's-dirty-or-not.
the pic was taken after we arrived at our camping site. we were waiting for sunrise.
from left to right: me, yua, alde, toen. |
the same place, Jonggring, in the morning.
waw. just realized that my skin used to be so exotic. hm. |
so this pic shows that i used to fits sitting like that in a chair.
guess i can't do that anymore. *lookdown
wait. wait. no, that's not what i want to talk about. forget it. just.. pretend i say nothing of how big i am now that i won't fit sitting in a chair in that style anymore. no, i don't sa.. wait. oh f***.
ehm. well, this moment, i was attending MATI, or Musyawarah Anggota Tahunan Indikator, my LPM's annual event to reorganize the organizational structure.
if i'm not mistaken, that was when we announced who got accepted as our new comer in LPM Indikator.
and i.. just sitting like that and.. waw. i once sit like that. damn i miss my old weight. |
i forgot whether the date is right or wrong, because logically, if 01 January 2009 i was attending MATI, then it should take at least 3-6 days at most.
but this pic details said that it was taken at 03 January 2009.
well, let me tell you the story behind this pic.
this was at Jatim Park.
The CG Bersatu Brotherhood.
from left and then down and up: Ning, Zeen, me, Noe, Yua, Tika.
i miss those outfits. |
well. well.
hm. this pic was taken when i was chosen to be one of the four head of division in LPM Indikator.
that was late at midnight. i missed those jacket. it has a very big skull on the back.
this pic was taken with scenario the chosen head of division standing next to their predecessor.
from left to right: Fariz, Yua, Alde, Me , Toen, Mb Cisk, Elok, and Ms Jabrik. |
i forgot what i was doing at the moment, but the reason why i pulled this pic out of i-don't-know-how-much-my-pic-is, it was in the building E Basement.
the one next to me in the pic was Toen. |
i was waiting for someone to come at the moment.
it took him forever to come. so i took a picture.
taken at Campus. at night. |
see. i did that sitting style again. i really wonder whether i can still do it now or not.
based on the backdrop, this was Muker, Musyawarah Kerja. this was where we make plans for our one-year in charge of LPM Indikator.
from left to right: don't know, can't see clearly, Dina, Ismi, Tilem, Me, Rino, Bayu, Blur.
hehe |
aaahh,, i love this moment!!
the first time i saw Zeen choir's performance. too bad i had throw the invitation years ago..
aah,, you were and you still are so damn cool, zeen!! |
this was taken by Yua, at Coban i-forgot-its-name, Malang.
i also forgot what we were doing at that time, all i can remember is she asked me whether we want to play around before going home or not, so she took me there.
and on the way there i took a pic of a cow's butt. hm. |
this was at our regular performance evaluation, at Songgoriti, Batu.
see how busy i was with my paper? ha. i guess i DID look cool.
left to right: (a piece of a man with cigar on his ear) Kobong, Me, Toen, Rino. |
one of the unforgettable memories!
another series of Malang Tempo Doeloe, but with rain, and with a stolen-banner-that-we-used-as-an-umbrella.
when the rain was pouring down, mas Mudin just showed us his stolen banner, and suggested that we use it to walked in the rain. we did. and instead of taking picture, we were the one who was being pictured. did i say it right? hm.
left to right - Upper: Dina, Kobong, Tilem, Ismi, Toen
left to right - Middle : Coro, Me
Down : Nuge' |
my favorite spot.
Rektorat building. i forgot which floor, but it's the highest. was it the time when i desperately search for a toilet with a soap to take a little p**p? hm. can't say for sure. |
this was also at our regular performance evaluation, but we don't have time to prepare a backdrop, so.. we just keep using the backdrop for another event that were held there before our event. the pic was taken at room A3, EP building.
left to right: Rino, Dina, Tilem, Me, Ismi. |
this pic was taken at Soekarno - Hatta Bridge, Malang.
we were interviewing the new comer at our campus and also taking picture as well as delivering our bulletin, Indimolor.
damn. can i wear that kind of clothing style in my age now?
left to right: Kobong, Ismi, Me, Toen. |
this pic was taken when we were doing Pengenalan Lembaga Organisasi, or Organization Introduction? hm.
yeah. something like that.
from left to right - Upper: Sugeng, Elok, Koko, Toen, Ifa, Rino
from left ot right - Middle: Bayu, Ismi, Tilem, Saniy, Sopil, Faris, Coro, Nuge
From left to right - Low: Dina, Kobong, Me, Rolly |
Social analysis at Alun-alun Kota Malang for the new comer. :D
next to me, Super Elektro gurl, Toen. :D |
our magazine won a runner up place for an event, the announcement took place in Jakarta.
my first time going to Jakarta, with Toen, riding a train. also, my first time. :D |
coming next: ScrapBlog - #2 (2010-2011)
wah, ada akunya waktu magang, itu yg baru bangun tidur, sampinge portal :)
wkwkwkwk... haha,, iyo bong, keliatan kok. hahahah
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