Monday, December 10, 2012

Wise Words - Criminal Minds (season 7)

"to die is poignantly bitter, but the idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable." Erich Fromm.

"for the man sound of body and serene of mind, there is no such thing as bad weather. every day has its beauty. and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously." George Gissing

"hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark." George Iles

"Things do not change. we change." Henry David Thoreau

"Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance." Jean de la fontaine

"The timing of death, like the ending of a story, gives a changed meaning to what preceded it." Mary Catherine Bateson

"Adversity is like a strong wind. it tears from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we realy are." Arthur Golden

"we are each on our journey. each of us are on our very own adventure, encountering all kinds of challenge and the choices we make on that adventure will shape us as we go. those choices will stretch us and test us and push us to our limits, and our adventure will make us stronger than we ever knew we could be."  Penelope Garcia - Hope,

Joseph Cambel, "find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain."

"everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die." Joe Louis

"sometimes, i want to fight, but my body, it keeps telling me to stop. and it doesn't matter how hard i punch, it just -- i can't do it. and when that happens, you know what i do? i let go, Ryan. and what i figured out is.. letting go doesn't mean that you're a quitter. it doesn't mean that you lost. it just means that you realize in that moment that it's time to let go, and move on. so if it's time, Ryan, it's all right. cause you fought a hell of a fight." Jimmy Hall to his dying son, Ryan.

Herman Hesse, "some of us think holding on makes us strong. but sometimes it is letting go."

Eckhart Tolle, "where there is anger, there is always pain underneath."

"live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you." H. Jackson Brown Jr.

"it was once said that love is giving someone the ability to destroy you but trusting them not to."

"for every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth." Bo Bennett

"memory is a complicated thing, a relative to truth, but not its twin." Barbara Kingsolver

"nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it." Michel de Montaigne

"we are each our own devil, and we make this world our own hell." Oscar Wilde

"all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." Edgar Allan Poe

"worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life staying true to a lie." Robert Brault

"sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires." William Blake

"to the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth." Voltaire

"fear is met and destroyed with courage." James F Bell

"three can keep a secret if two are dead." Benjamin Franklin

"there is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy." Dante"

"we do not suffer from the shock of our trauma, but we make out of it just what suits our purposes." Alfred Adler

"all the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." Henry Ellis

"at the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons." Chinese Proverb

"a gambler with a system must be, to a greater or lesser extent, insane" George Augustus Sala

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Just fall into a mood.

sedikit berputar-putar, kesana kemari, lalu sedikit kesebelah sana, eh, putar arah sedikit, dan akhirnya tibalah saya disini.
saya- bukan saya sebenarnya, tapi keadaan pikiran.
keadaan pikiran, atau state of mind.

keadaan pikiran seseorang bisa berubah-ubah. a temporary state of mind, or commonly known as mood, can be figured as either a bad mood, or a good mood.
banyak sudah ternyata peneliti-peneliti yang penasaran dengan 'mood' ini. banyak penelitian kemudian ditujukan untuk mempelajari wujud si Mood.

sedikit artikel dari Schinnerer, J.L,
"Moods are shorter-term emotional states, typically lasting hours, although they can last for days or longer. For example you may wake up feeling a bit down and stay that way for most of the day.
We can be sent into a mood by an unexpected event, from the happiness of seeing an old friend to the anger of discovering betrayal by a partner. We may also just fall into a mood."

dan itulah yang terjadi saat ini, di detik saya menulis blog ini.
i just fall into a mood.

dan meskipun saya mengerti bahwa mood adalah 'temporary' state of mind, tetap saja sulit untuk mengubahnya.
bahkan saya sudah menimbang-nimbang cara apa yang paling baik saya lakukan untuk 'merubah' state of mind saya. toh ini adalah 'mind' saya sendiri. bisa lah sedikit diarahkan.
tapi ternyata cukup sulit.
dan saya hanya bisa sampai di titik itu.
titik dimana..
i just fall into a mood.

bercengkerama sedikit dengan wikipedia, saya diberitahu bahwa,
"Since there is no intentional object that causes the negative mood, it has no specific start and stop date. It can last for hours, days, weeks, or longer. Negative moods can manipulate how individuals interpret and translate the world around them, and can also direct their behavior. Negative moods can affect an individual’s judgment and perception of objects and events."

dan, saya semakin takut.
kalau, temporary state of mind saya saat ini bisa membuat semua yang disekitar saya jadi negative juga, saya mungkin saja melewatkan hal-hal menarik, yang semestinya bisa membuat saya tersenyum guling guling girang nabrak tembok seperti short message yang saya terima beberapa menit lalu, yang menunjukkan ada seseorang disana yang sedang belajar berhitung, ternyata hanya membuat saya tersenyum sebentar lalu kembali merengut.
sayang sekali, bukan?
padahal kalau boleh memilih, lebih baik saya guling guling girang nabrak tembok daripada merengut.

wahai my state of mind,, mari,.. mari berbaikan.