Friday, September 23, 2022



baru tau ternyata boundaries ini bahkan memang ada ilmu-nya. baru ngeh eh.
selama ini setiap ngintipin IG Story orang-orang kadang ya nyengir, kadang ya ngernyit, kadang ya diskip, kadang juga nyelekit.

baru setelah beberapa saat kemudian beralih menjadi 'ya iya lah dia bisa karena bla'. atau 'ni orang sombong bet lah'. atau 'elaah...'

tapi terus ya salah sendiri ya liatin IG Story. sudah tau pun memang kalau mau sehat mental tuh ya ga perlu membandingkan, merenungkan, apalagi menganalisa social media.

baru kemudian ketemu juga nih istilah. Boundaries.
hasil googling lumayan banyak materi/ilmu tentang setting up boundaries. ternyata memang boundaries ini diperlukan untuk menjaga kesehatan. 

boundaries ada macem-macem kalau kata google.
ada material, physical, mental, emotional, sexual, dan spiritual. lengkapnya see here.
ada juga versi physical, sexual, intelektual, emosional, dan finansial. see here for further info. 

saya yakin di luar sana lebih banyak yang ilmu dan artikelnya lebih berbobot daripada sekedar coretan di blog ini. but luckily this is my space. proceed with caution ya, dear readers.
you might find this relatable, atau bahkan detestable. tergantung, boundaries anda.

boundaries adalah batas-batas acceptable yang dimiliki tiap orang. dan tiap orang punya batasan yang berbeda. yang menurut orang lain adalah oke tapi menurut saya tidak oke, itulah batasan saya.
don't set your boundaries as my boundaries.
atau, don't set other people boundaries as your own boundaries.

gaji boleh sama, hobby boleh sama. namun apakah prioritasnya sama? apakah batasannya sama?
if she/he can do it, then you can do it!
ah masa?

just because i can, doesn't mean i should. bahkan doesn't mean i want to.
just because somebody else can, doesn't mean everybody else can.

kalau mereka lari 10 km, saya lari 1 km pakai istirahat, apakah salah? tidak. itu batasan saya.
tapi kata dokter saya juga harus lari paling tidak 10 km biar sehat. then fine. i'll try to push my boundaries. biar sehat ya. bukan biar ga kalah sama yang lain.

tapi. tapi. that's one of logical reason to push your boundaries. karena kesehatan, karena personal happiness/target. bukan karena ga mau kalah sama orang lain.
eh ya tapi kalau kebahagiaan anda adalah ga mau kalah sama orang lain ya monggo, that's your personal boundaries.

jangan lupa set up your own boundaries.
take care. be healthy, physical, mentally, financially.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The greatest villains are mostly the fallen heroes (Manga World)

Hisashiburi da ne!!

yes, it's been a long time. 

so, i came back, just because i was triggered by this Anime i watched in netflix, then continued reading the manga in Mangabat. and the anime that caught my interest is, none other thaan...
Bungou Stray Dogs.

actually i've seen them a couple times in the past, when i was still have the leasure to swim through countless manga to read. but i haven't feel the urge yet. they first released in Dec 2012, so yes, they're already around for quite some time.

one day, i stumbled on it after doing 'evening work' which is sweeping, moping, and cleaning the house and i just want to rest and relax a bit. so i watched it in netflix.
it was totally fun. even the early chapter got me laughing quite a bit. i finished binge watching all the 3 seasons in just a couple days though. haha. luckily the Manga has progressed a lil bit further although it still left me hanging. tsk.

so, although the story itself is interesting, what i found out is actually, there is a common pattern for the greatest villain these kind of manga have.
that is, the heroes who's had enough of war, and all they wanted was peace. as ongoing in their 100 chap, their enemy now is the Armed Detective Agency's Director childhood friend, Ōchi Fukuchi- The leader of terrorist organization, Decay of Angels as well as the leader of Hunting Dogs special units, owned by the government.
 Ōchi Fukuchi said that he is indeed a close friend of Fukuzawa (ADA's director), but at certain point, their paths were divided for eternity, because "Fukuzawa didn't go into the battlefield".

further he explained when he asked by Atsushi (tora-chan) whether the battlefield changed him, or did he suffered severe torture from his enemies. he said:
Torture? yes, i've certainly experienced torture. though it was from the torturer's side. i remember it in vivid detail, the amount of fingers i've broken, the organs i butchered, and the number of times i was begged "kill me". it wasn't just soldiers, i did it to civilians as well, women, children,.. i was born on that battlefield. before that i was nil, fukuzawa and you, because you never knew what that battlefield, you're able to believe the "make the country righteous" drivel. the one killing was me, the one commanding was the nation. everything's clear now. it's because the nation's order exists, that the hell known as war can be born.
so, what he wants is world domination, because he got tired of war. thus, he became the great villain.
isn't that the same reason as why Lelouch become the number 1 enemy of the whole world just so he can be killed by Zero thus making the whole countries united? the only thing he wanted was to create an ideal world where his sister can lived peacefully, though at the end he's doing it for all the people in the world.
isn't that also the same reason for Nagato, widely known as Pain in Naruto, who dreamed of bringing peace to the violent shinobi world, using any means necessary?

so i came to conclusion, war is scary.
the trauma left not only for the victim, but also for the perpetrator. and also, though world peace is somewhat a beautiful ideal condition, the end doesn't justify the means.
i guess that's where the heroes fall to be a villain.

err wait.
is this what it means by:
"you either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"?

bzzt.. a sudden King Gnu - One Way playing.