Ini adalah Gundam ke tiga yang saya tonton.
zaman kuliah dulu saya nonton Gundam Seed dan Gundam Seed Destiny. dulu sih mikirnya Anime macam robot-robot bertarung di luar angkasa paling jatuhnya mirip Power Ranger atau Ultraman, meskipun dia bukan robot. tapi kan ukurannya besar.
yah,, ada Docking-docking-nya, ada robotnya, bentuknya bisa berubah, ukurannya gede, dan yah, kurang lebih seperti itulah.
lalu setelah menghabiskan seri Gundam Seed dan dilanjut Gundam Seed Destiny, tiba-tiba saya pusing.
benar-benar jauh dari yang saya bayangkan.
yang terpikirkan pertama kali adalah, anak-anak kecil yang mengoleksi robot-robotan Gundam apa ngerti ceritanya bagaimana? apa mereka paham Anime macam apa yang mereka tonton?
saya saja bisa disebut sedikit tekanan batin menontonnya. karena bahkan untuk karakter antagonisnya pun saya tidak berani mengatakan dia antagonis, karena siapapun yang berada di posisinya akan cenderung melakukan hal yang sama. then, who's to blame? no one. atau everyone? haha. saya pusing.
kemudian saya mencoba kembali berpetualang dengan robot-robot itu kembali. Gundam Suit 00. Anime Gundam keluaran tahun entah kapan.
dan lagi-lagi saya terpana dengan alur ceritanya. it was so complicated yet simple.
intinya tetap sama, ada pihak yang lelah dengan perang, bahkan korban perang, menginginkan dunia ideal tanpa perang. dan dengan tujuan tersebut, mereka menggunakan any means, bahkan arms intervention. Intervensi bersenjata.
mereka adalah martyr yang rela mengorbankan diri demi terwujudnya dunia tanpa perang. tapi disatu sisi mereka pun melukai banyak orang dan terlibat dalam perang. mereka bilang, "i'll atone my sin when the war has been eradicated"
di Gundam Suit 00 juga ditunjukkan bahwa pemerintahan yang korup ternyata sangat didukung oleh warganya yang cenderung tidak peduli. mereka menerima semua yang ditawarkan pemerintah selama hal tersebut tidak merugikan mereka. kalau di belahan dunia lain harus terjadi mass massacre, mereka pun tidak merasa terlibat.
semua orang ingin balas dendam. si kakak terbunuh saat balas dendam untuk orang tuanya, dan si adik ingin balas dendam untuk kakaknya. atau si anak tunggal yang ingin balas dendam setelah kehilangan seluruh keluarganya karena keisengan seorang anak ketiga dalam menembakkan GN Particle nya, dimana si anak ketiga pun pada suatu waktu harus kehilangan dua kakaknya dan memutuskan untuk balas dendam. atau seorang suami yang membiarkan istrinya mati demi melindungi orang banyak, yang kemudian mati di tangan anaknya sendiri yang membalas dendam demi ibunya. kemudian anak angkat si suami ingin balas dendam ke anak kandung si suami karena membunuh ayahnya sendiri. namun, kemudian timbul percakapan...
Soma Peries: "I must avenge the colonel!"
Saji Crossroads: "Stop it!!! Please stop. nothing will change. even if you get your revenge, that won't bring anyone back to life. you'll only increase the sorrow. Everyone's gradually losing their senses as this goes on. you won't be able to head anywhere. you can't even proceed forward.."
well. cukup memusingkan. Gundam oh Gundam,, lebih idealis dan lebih realistis dibandingkan dunia ninja idaman Naruto.
ckckckck.. saya pusing. bahkan OSTnya pun memusingkan - The Back horn, Wana (Trap).
"yokubou wa doku ringo te ni ireta mono wa nani?
mirai no kodomotachi eto nokoseru mono wa nani?
yasashisa wo shinji subete wo yurushite
itsukushimu you ni tada wakachiatte wakariatte "
yang artinya..
Desire is a poisoned apple. What is it that you have obtained?
What are we going to pass on to the children of tomorrow?
Believe in kindness and forgive everything.
Share with others, understand each other, so that we may learn to love.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Ima, Kono Toki - Now, This Moment
Ima, Kono Toki (Now, This Moment), Natsume Yuujinchou OST by Hiiragi
Romaji Lyric
ima, toki o ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
shita bakkari muite'ru ima no kimi ni...
kimi ga doushite naite iru no ka boku ni wa nani mo wakaranai
muryoku na boku wa kimi ni ittai nani shite yareru no?
boku wa kimi ja nai kara kimi no kimochi nante wakaranai
"wakaru yo" nante kotoba karugarushiku kuchi ni dekinai
dakara oshiete kimi ga kurushimu wake o
boku ni dekiru seiippai no koto kimi ni shite agetai kara
ima, toki o ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
seiippai ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
toki ni wa namida o nagashite mo ii sa
dakedo ashita wa egao de ikou yo
itsumo ganbaru kimi da kara hontou ganbarisugiru kimi da kara
mou ganbaranakute ii tama ni wa zuru datte sureba ii
bukiyou ni shika ikirenai sonna kimi no ikikata ga suki sa
waratta toki no sono me ga boku wa hontou ni suki da yo
dakara sonna ni jibun o seme wa shinaide
toki ni hito wa dareka o tayori ikite seichou suru koto mo aru
ima, toki o ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
kizu darake no kimi ni kono uta o okurou
kurushii koto kara nigete mo ii sa
mata arata ni kimi ga tatakaeru nara
iya na koto bakari da kedo dakara koso kimi wa chiisana
ii koto ni mo kizukeru'n ja nai no ka na?
ima, toki o ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
warau koto sae wasureta kimi ni kono uta o okurou
kyou made konna ni kurushinda kara ashita kara wa tanoshiku sugoseru yo kitto
dakara kimi yo hitori de kurushimanaide
English Translation
To you, who are living through the present moment, I'll send this song.
To you right now, who keep hanging your head down...
Just why are you crying? I don't understand at all.
Just what can I, being so powerless, do for you?
Since I am not you, I don't understand how you feel.
I can't just thoughtlessly tell you that I do understand.
So please tell me why you are in pain.
I want to try my best to do for you whatever I can.
To you, who are living through the present moment, I'll send this song.
To you, who are trying your hardest to live on, I'll send this song.
It's okay to cry from time to time,
but tomorrow let's go with a smile.
You always try so hard. You really try too hard.
You don't have to work so hard now. It's fine to slack off once in a while.
Although you can only live in a uncouth manner, I like your way of life.
I really like your eyes when you laugh.
So please don't blame yourself so much.
At times, people grow up through relying on others.
To you, who are living through the present moment, I'll send this song.
To you, who are covered in wounds, I'll send this song.
It's okay to run away from pain or difficulties,
as long as you can fight again on another day.
Even though so many unpleasant things have happened, by going through them,
it becomes easier for you to notice the little pleasant things, doesn't it?
To you, who are living through the present moment, I'll send this song.
To you, who have forgotten even to smile, I'll send this song.
You've been through so much up to today, but you'll definitely have a happy tomorrow.
So please, don't just keep suffering in a corner alone.
source: song, lyric
Romaji Lyric
ima, toki o ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
shita bakkari muite'ru ima no kimi ni...
kimi ga doushite naite iru no ka boku ni wa nani mo wakaranai
muryoku na boku wa kimi ni ittai nani shite yareru no?
boku wa kimi ja nai kara kimi no kimochi nante wakaranai
"wakaru yo" nante kotoba karugarushiku kuchi ni dekinai
dakara oshiete kimi ga kurushimu wake o
boku ni dekiru seiippai no koto kimi ni shite agetai kara
ima, toki o ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
seiippai ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
toki ni wa namida o nagashite mo ii sa
dakedo ashita wa egao de ikou yo
itsumo ganbaru kimi da kara hontou ganbarisugiru kimi da kara
mou ganbaranakute ii tama ni wa zuru datte sureba ii
bukiyou ni shika ikirenai sonna kimi no ikikata ga suki sa
waratta toki no sono me ga boku wa hontou ni suki da yo
dakara sonna ni jibun o seme wa shinaide
toki ni hito wa dareka o tayori ikite seichou suru koto mo aru
ima, toki o ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
kizu darake no kimi ni kono uta o okurou
kurushii koto kara nigete mo ii sa
mata arata ni kimi ga tatakaeru nara
iya na koto bakari da kedo dakara koso kimi wa chiisana
ii koto ni mo kizukeru'n ja nai no ka na?
ima, toki o ikiru kimi ni kono uta o okurou
warau koto sae wasureta kimi ni kono uta o okurou
kyou made konna ni kurushinda kara ashita kara wa tanoshiku sugoseru yo kitto
dakara kimi yo hitori de kurushimanaide
English Translation
To you, who are living through the present moment, I'll send this song.
To you right now, who keep hanging your head down...
Just why are you crying? I don't understand at all.
Just what can I, being so powerless, do for you?
Since I am not you, I don't understand how you feel.
I can't just thoughtlessly tell you that I do understand.
So please tell me why you are in pain.
I want to try my best to do for you whatever I can.
To you, who are living through the present moment, I'll send this song.
To you, who are trying your hardest to live on, I'll send this song.
It's okay to cry from time to time,
but tomorrow let's go with a smile.
You always try so hard. You really try too hard.
You don't have to work so hard now. It's fine to slack off once in a while.
Although you can only live in a uncouth manner, I like your way of life.
I really like your eyes when you laugh.
So please don't blame yourself so much.
At times, people grow up through relying on others.
To you, who are living through the present moment, I'll send this song.
To you, who are covered in wounds, I'll send this song.
It's okay to run away from pain or difficulties,
as long as you can fight again on another day.
Even though so many unpleasant things have happened, by going through them,
it becomes easier for you to notice the little pleasant things, doesn't it?
To you, who are living through the present moment, I'll send this song.
To you, who have forgotten even to smile, I'll send this song.
You've been through so much up to today, but you'll definitely have a happy tomorrow.
So please, don't just keep suffering in a corner alone.
source: song, lyric
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Natsume Yuujinchou - A Brief Review
That moment, when you finished a very good Anime with tears
on your face.
“I called his name again and again. And I learned that each time, nothing called back. I learned that no matter how much you want something, how many times you scream for it, sometimes it’s out of your reach. I decided to stop calling out for someone who would never call back.” (Takashi Natsume - Calling out his deceased father)
A brief review about Natsume Yuujinchou, an Anime which I happen
to stumble on while wild-surfing on anime-related web, and then decided to buy
the series after watching the first episode online.
It’s about a teenage boy that have a rare ability to see
Youkai – or in other word, Demons/Ghost.
Yep. Some people might scared. Some people might curious. Some
people accept, but some people reject. And that’s what happened to Takashi
Natsume. Being able to see youkai since he was a child makes him being bullied
by other people. He’s used to being called a liar, since no one able to see
what he sees.
Some Youkai are bad, but some are nice. But, what would you
do when you’re just a child and able to see those things? Well, Takashi Natsume
did scared.
Takashi Natsume’s mother died shortly after giving
birth to him. His dad was mentioned once, but no other information can be
gathered instead of his dad is ‘really, really nice.’
Takashi Natsume mostly forgot about his childhood because
everytime he remembered it, it hurts and he’d start crying. Being a boy without
parents, He moved in many places, from one relatives to another, even an orphanage, because no one wants
to have him stayed with their family. Especially if someone found out about his
ability. They’d called him a liar and ended up giving him to another relatives.
But then he was taken by Fujiwara’s Couple. The very kind
(yasashii) couple who didn’t have a kid on their own.
Takashi Natsume finally begun to accepting his ability, but
still, he keep it to himself. He once said to Takuma – his first friend who knew
about his ability, that he wanted them (Fujiwara’s Couple) to keep smiling. That
time, Takuma realized that Takashi Natsume never wants to make other people
worried about him. So he keeps everything to himself. But when others- be it Youkai or human- needs his help, he always struggle for the best.
There’s only one time the teenage-Takashi Natsume cried. That’s when he visited his soon-be-sold-old-home, while remembering his dad. He
cried when no one around except his guardian, a powerful Youkai, Nyanko
And that’s also the time, when he finally said goodbye to
his dad and his old home,, and get back to his home, where he and the Fujiwara’s
couple lived.
What I remembered the most from the series is not how
uniquely strange and weird the Youkai shown, or the main plot, where Takashi Natsume
found his grandmother’s Yuujinchou (Book of friends), consist of Youkai's name
whose fell under his grandmother’s control, and now in his.
But what impressed me the most is Takashi Natsume’s
struggle, where he ended up loving even human and Youkai. Where he always do
the best for others while struggling by himself not to worried other people. Or
where his friend get tired of his selfish way of thinking (keeping all the pain
for himself), and finally said, ‘you don’t have to lie if you don’t want to.’
“They are a part of what makes me who I am. No matter how much they hurt, they’re important to me.” (Takashi Natsume)
The series give me a warm kind of feeling,, where the
viewer can see clearly that people and youkai does have a bad and good side,
some like to betrayed others and some like to repay help.
And so,, there are good times and bad times, there are troublesome
days and fun days,, But all that Takashi Natsume wants to do, is treasuring and
keeping the warm life he lived.
![]() |
Fujiwara Couple with Takashi Natsume and Nyanko Sensei |
“There were sad days, and painful ones, and there may be more. Even so… treasured days, that I’ll never forget.” (Takashi Natsume)
Speaking about a good Slice of Life Anime,, well, this one is surely One hell Slice of Life.
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