Friday, September 28, 2012
#10 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
She was curious
She was furious
Because Earl The Millenium once said
an akuma is created by The Dark Matter
and that the akuma is the crystallization of the guilt created by one's heart.
Because Kanda once said
as the opposite of The Dark Matter,
there are Innocence,
that can pure The Dark Matter.
and Kanda also said
the further The Dark Matter evolve,
the more mature the matter becomes,
strengthening them.
and the next thing she know.
she sleeps with one eye open.
writer's note: influenced by D.Gray Man
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
simple but heartbreaking, Code Geass Quotes
"it might be something like glass, because one
doesn't notice it normally. however it is actually there. as proof, if
you change the angle you look at it, the glass will reflect light. it
will state its presence and existence more eloquently than any other
thing in this world" -- the form of happiness, Kururugi Suzaku
"suppose there's an evil that justice cannot bring down. what would you do? Would you taint your hands with evil to destroy evil? or would you carry out your own justice and succumb to that evil?" Zero to Guilford, Code Geass R2 #4
"suppose there's an evil that justice cannot bring down. what would you do? Would you taint your hands with evil to destroy evil? or would you carry out your own justice and succumb to that evil?" Zero to Guilford, Code Geass R2 #4
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Overly Attached.. Human.
it's funny how people can become so overly attached over something.
a new meme on 9gag post even showed an overly attached girlfriend, and lately escalated to 'there are an overly attached boyfriend' too.
and now, i guess i even started to become an overly attached human.
first, to this guy.

his name is Pister, and yes, he's still alive. eventhough he started to become bald, he's old, you know, but he's still cute though.
he has been with me through a lot of ups and downs. even in my life's important phase. when i was working with my script-chy, he was there. when i was going to eat my Mie Ayam one night, he was there, somehow, there, in my bowl. yep. IN my bowl.
or when i went to Jakarta for the first time for a job interview, yes, he was there. we rode the train together. how sweet was that?
or when i had to go home after my 2nd thesis test - yeah, i had to go through it twice, didn't make it on the first try. well, i brought him with me. he was there, in my pocket, and we were flying together, to my hometown, Makassar.
if only my dorm now allowed me to bring pet, i'll definitely brought him here.
yeah, i'm an overly attached pet owner. well, he's too irresistable.
i'm also overly attached to my plush doll. a quiet-big-cat-plush-doll-that's-supposed-to-be-white-black-brown-cat-but-somehow-become-grey-black-brown-cat.
if i'm going to stay overnight, i'll bring him with me. unless it was an outdoor event, or in my sister's and other's family's place. but home? i'll prepared a space for him, and only him. or her. ck. ah.. i still don't know his/her gender. -__-"
and finally, i'm overly attached to my Laptop!!
yeaah! the one that has been with me for.. what, 6 years? yeah, around that, yeah. *nod
first got it on 2006, until now. never been gone to a repair station, unless for it's charger, that once had been on fire. my bad.
yep, he's been there, when i first doing my Pengantar Akuntansi 1 homework, you know, Pak Bogat can get you stay up late to do homework. or when i had no idea what to do with my Manajemen Investasi final test. he also support me throgh my years of studying how to write as long as i'm in Indi, he's the one who support me to studied CorelDraw and took a little peek of Indesign, and many more.
he also there when i failed on my first thesis final test. we spend two weeks together, and succeed on watching One Piece ep #1 through 400-something. only stop for eat, sleep, pray, and bathroom.
even after i'm working now, he's still with me, support me. he shut himself down when i was playing games instead of doing my reporting. and he keeps himself up when i was working on my reporting until dawn. and he survived all those times i brought him with me to work.
but he's old. and now, i have a new-second-but-still-on-credit-laptop on my hands. but somehow i still want to do everything with this old good friend of mine.
guess i'm overly attached to this fella.
well, human can be so irrational sometimes.
but i knew i had to change. for a better life.
we can't get overly attached to something. because the world's changing, and life's keep moving forward.
and one day, you had to let go the thing you loved the most. it also works on 'someone'. but the pain of losing someone dear to us,, it hurts allright.
i'm a sceptical type of person to things like losing boyfriend/girlfriend. please, you can get another one.
but i can't say anything to things like losing family. or your dearest who's been 'called' before you.
all i can do is pray for you, and the one who's left. may Allah be with you.
well, the point is.. overly attached is not good for your health.. :D
a new meme on 9gag post even showed an overly attached girlfriend, and lately escalated to 'there are an overly attached boyfriend' too.
and now, i guess i even started to become an overly attached human.
first, to this guy.

his name is Pister, and yes, he's still alive. eventhough he started to become bald, he's old, you know, but he's still cute though.
he has been with me through a lot of ups and downs. even in my life's important phase. when i was working with my script-chy, he was there. when i was going to eat my Mie Ayam one night, he was there, somehow, there, in my bowl. yep. IN my bowl.
or when i went to Jakarta for the first time for a job interview, yes, he was there. we rode the train together. how sweet was that?
or when i had to go home after my 2nd thesis test - yeah, i had to go through it twice, didn't make it on the first try. well, i brought him with me. he was there, in my pocket, and we were flying together, to my hometown, Makassar.
if only my dorm now allowed me to bring pet, i'll definitely brought him here.
yeah, i'm an overly attached pet owner. well, he's too irresistable.
i'm also overly attached to my plush doll. a quiet-big-cat-plush-doll-that's-supposed-to-be-white-black-brown-cat-but-somehow-become-grey-black-brown-cat.

if i'm going to stay overnight, i'll bring him with me. unless it was an outdoor event, or in my sister's and other's family's place. but home? i'll prepared a space for him, and only him. or her. ck. ah.. i still don't know his/her gender. -__-"
and finally, i'm overly attached to my Laptop!!
yeaah! the one that has been with me for.. what, 6 years? yeah, around that, yeah. *nod
first got it on 2006, until now. never been gone to a repair station, unless for it's charger, that once had been on fire. my bad.
yep, he's been there, when i first doing my Pengantar Akuntansi 1 homework, you know, Pak Bogat can get you stay up late to do homework. or when i had no idea what to do with my Manajemen Investasi final test. he also support me throgh my years of studying how to write as long as i'm in Indi, he's the one who support me to studied CorelDraw and took a little peek of Indesign, and many more.
he also there when i failed on my first thesis final test. we spend two weeks together, and succeed on watching One Piece ep #1 through 400-something. only stop for eat, sleep, pray, and bathroom.
even after i'm working now, he's still with me, support me. he shut himself down when i was playing games instead of doing my reporting. and he keeps himself up when i was working on my reporting until dawn. and he survived all those times i brought him with me to work.
but he's old. and now, i have a new-second-but-still-on-credit-laptop on my hands. but somehow i still want to do everything with this old good friend of mine.
guess i'm overly attached to this fella.
well, human can be so irrational sometimes.
but i knew i had to change. for a better life.
we can't get overly attached to something. because the world's changing, and life's keep moving forward.
and one day, you had to let go the thing you loved the most. it also works on 'someone'. but the pain of losing someone dear to us,, it hurts allright.
i'm a sceptical type of person to things like losing boyfriend/girlfriend. please, you can get another one.
but i can't say anything to things like losing family. or your dearest who's been 'called' before you.
all i can do is pray for you, and the one who's left. may Allah be with you.
well, the point is.. overly attached is not good for your health.. :D
Friday, September 7, 2012
#9 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
Sometimes the urge to showed her monster face to The World is so big.
Sometimes The Dark inside her wants to emerge to The World so bad.
Just to see how The World will react.
but then she walks.
with her mask on.
with The Dark inside.
because that's just the way it supposed to be.
because it will always, her against The World.
#8 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
Last night,
She was shivering, thinking.
"The World was too scary."
well, She was shivering, alright.
but When the sun comes up,
She (still) wakes up,
(still) Washes her monster face,
and (still) put on a happy mask.
For she is (still) the mask woman.
and The Dark, (still) Matter.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
#7 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
Let me tell you a story.
Here goes the tale.
They put up an invisible barrier.
So she brought up her weapon.
It's her mask.
Powerful mask.
She might get the title 'Trickster' if I may praised her.
No one knows.
But the war is on.
It's her against the world.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
#6 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
Because a secret is a secret.
She choose to die while wearing her mask.
Buried her monster face down below.
For she's an ogre without DreamWorks.
but mostly,
Because a secret is a secret.
And her secret is The Dark.
And The Dark, matter.
#5 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
Oh, so you see her laughing?
Oh, hahahaha..
Yeah, right.
Thin Line..
Faked ReaLity
saya sedikit bertanya-tanya apa yang saya, kamu, dia, dan mereka lakukan.
saya kadang bertanya-tanya bagaimana kamu, dia, dan mereka melihat saya.
saya kadang mencoba membayangkan jika saya berada di posisi kamu, dia, ataupun mereka.
kemudian saya akan mempertimbangkan keputusan-keputusan yang saya, kamu, dia, dan mereka ambil. atau lebih tepatnya, membandingkan.
saya membayangkan jika saya berada di posisi dia, dengan masalah-masalah dia, apakah saya akan seperti dia? atau lebih baik? atau lebih buruk?
atau saya membayangkan kamu di posisi saya. jadi seperti apakah kamu? seperti saya kah? atau lebih baik? atau lebih buruk?
saya kadang-kadang merasa sedih. lalu kemudian saya teringat. di sudut kota lain, mungkin ada juga yang merasa sedih.
sama halnya dengan bahagia.
jatuh cinta. patah hati. ditolak. diterima.
hal-hal semacam itu.
saya yakin tidak hanya saya yang merasakan.
orang lain pun juga.
mungkin mas-mas yang saya ikutin waktu nyeberang jalan kemaren?
atau mas-mas yang liat saya jatuh di tangga?
atau mungkin mbak-mbak yang jaga counter cashier waktu saya beli keringatnya pocari?
tapi kan saya tidak tahu. kamu pun tidak tahu. dia. dan tidak juga mereka.
kadang saya merasa putus asa. tapi tentunya di ujung jalan di dunia sebelah, atau di negara tetangga, juga ada yang putus asa. mungkin dia dengan perut keroncongannya lagi megang kayu sambil mengaduk-aduk pasir dan sebelah tangan memeluk lutut. atau mungkin kamu sedang berada di tempat ibadah untuk mengeluh padaNya?
kemudian bagaimana dengan keputusan? tindakan? keputusan yang diambil pun pastinya berbeda-beda. lalu mengapa saya, kamu, dia dan mereka bisa mengambil keputusan yang berbeda?
diantara kamu, atau dia, atau mereka, tentunya ada orang-orang tangguh.
tapi saya mungkin tidak termasuk orang tangguh.
saya biasa saja.
saya berdirinya di garis tengah. garis yang kebetulan tipis.
garis tipis yang memisahkan antara tangguh dan denial - penolakan.
saya sayangnya nyangkut disitu.
kalau dia kenapa bisa tangguh ya? kamu juga. tapi ada beberapa dari mereka yang ternyata malah semakin putus asa. mungkin saya juga?
nah ya itu. saya masih di garis tipis.
atau sebenarnya, saya tahu.
sebenarnya, saya tahu.
saya tahu saya dimana.
hanya saja garis itu terlalu tipis untuk dilihat orang lain.
kamu, dia dan mereka, tidak bisa melihat garis tipis itu.
jadi. kamu, dia, dan mereka tidak akan tahu. begitupun saya. saya tidak akan tahu disebelah mana kaki kamu, dia, dan mereka berpijak.
akuilah, kawan.
garis itu memang tipis. terlalu tipis.
saya kadang bertanya-tanya bagaimana kamu, dia, dan mereka melihat saya.
saya kadang mencoba membayangkan jika saya berada di posisi kamu, dia, ataupun mereka.
kemudian saya akan mempertimbangkan keputusan-keputusan yang saya, kamu, dia, dan mereka ambil. atau lebih tepatnya, membandingkan.
saya membayangkan jika saya berada di posisi dia, dengan masalah-masalah dia, apakah saya akan seperti dia? atau lebih baik? atau lebih buruk?
atau saya membayangkan kamu di posisi saya. jadi seperti apakah kamu? seperti saya kah? atau lebih baik? atau lebih buruk?
saya kadang-kadang merasa sedih. lalu kemudian saya teringat. di sudut kota lain, mungkin ada juga yang merasa sedih.
sama halnya dengan bahagia.
jatuh cinta. patah hati. ditolak. diterima.
hal-hal semacam itu.
saya yakin tidak hanya saya yang merasakan.
orang lain pun juga.
mungkin mas-mas yang saya ikutin waktu nyeberang jalan kemaren?
atau mas-mas yang liat saya jatuh di tangga?
atau mungkin mbak-mbak yang jaga counter cashier waktu saya beli keringatnya pocari?
tapi kan saya tidak tahu. kamu pun tidak tahu. dia. dan tidak juga mereka.
kadang saya merasa putus asa. tapi tentunya di ujung jalan di dunia sebelah, atau di negara tetangga, juga ada yang putus asa. mungkin dia dengan perut keroncongannya lagi megang kayu sambil mengaduk-aduk pasir dan sebelah tangan memeluk lutut. atau mungkin kamu sedang berada di tempat ibadah untuk mengeluh padaNya?
kemudian bagaimana dengan keputusan? tindakan? keputusan yang diambil pun pastinya berbeda-beda. lalu mengapa saya, kamu, dia dan mereka bisa mengambil keputusan yang berbeda?
diantara kamu, atau dia, atau mereka, tentunya ada orang-orang tangguh.
tapi saya mungkin tidak termasuk orang tangguh.
saya biasa saja.
saya berdirinya di garis tengah. garis yang kebetulan tipis.
garis tipis yang memisahkan antara tangguh dan denial - penolakan.
saya sayangnya nyangkut disitu.
kalau dia kenapa bisa tangguh ya? kamu juga. tapi ada beberapa dari mereka yang ternyata malah semakin putus asa. mungkin saya juga?
nah ya itu. saya masih di garis tipis.
atau sebenarnya, saya tahu.
sebenarnya, saya tahu.
saya tahu saya dimana.
hanya saja garis itu terlalu tipis untuk dilihat orang lain.
kamu, dia dan mereka, tidak bisa melihat garis tipis itu.
jadi. kamu, dia, dan mereka tidak akan tahu. begitupun saya. saya tidak akan tahu disebelah mana kaki kamu, dia, dan mereka berpijak.
akuilah, kawan.
garis itu memang tipis. terlalu tipis.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
#4 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
When the sun comes up,
She wakes up,
Washes her monster face,
and put on a happy mask.
Yep, she is the mask woman.
#3 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
There are times.
she just sit there.
in silence.
she just sit there.
#2 The Dark, Matter
The Dark-Matter
She lives. She's alive.
She smiles. She's happy.
Oh, God, you can't even describe how lively she is.
But I can tell.
She's dead. She gave up.
She had no hopes. She won't dare dreaming.
But oh my God,, you can see how lively she is.
It's just I saw deeper.
And Now I present you,, The Dark, Matter.
The Dark-Matter
tiba-tiba pengen nulis novel. atau short novel. atau short story.
terakhir kali nyoba sepertinya waktu SMP. judulnya Sumur Hantu. wkwkwkwk. sudah lupa juga ceritanya bagaimana. tapi kata kakakku, ceritanya cukup seram. dan cukup panjang. well, thanks to Ghostbumps i guess.
hahahaha. tapi sepertinya saya tidak bakat nulis cerita-cerita drama cinta atau hal-hal indah seperti itu. selalu kandas di jalan. atau mungkin cerita saya terlalu membosankan. jangan salah, saya dulu pernah mencoba menulis short novel tentang cinta segi tiga plus satu titik di luarnya, dimana dua ceweknya adalah gadis kembar. ea. oh God, Why.
tiba-tiba pengen nulis. tiba-tiba dapat ide. sayang kalau dibuang.
sebenarnya bentuknya bukan short novel. atau short story.
rencananya formatnya akan dibuat seperti penggalan kisah. saya usahakan tidak terlalu panjang tiap penggalannya. semoga saja imajinasi saya akan terus berkembang. penggalan kisah ini akan bersambung ke seri berikutnya. tapi seri-nya pun sebenarnya tidak berurutan.
tergantung imajinasi saya. :D
agak kesulitan mencari judul. tiba-tiba setelah mencuci tengah malam, terlintas sebuah kata. The Dark Matter. sebenarnya Dark Matter ini sangat familiar saya dengar dalam Anime Gintama. Dark Matter refer to Tamagoyaki yang dibuat oleh Tae Shimura, yang sangat tidak dapat dimakan.
lalu yang terlintas lagi adalah, jika, saya taruh koma. apa yang terjadi? The Dark, Matter. artinya, kegelapan itu juga penting atau berpengaruh/mempengaruhi. dibaca tanpa koma pun, The Dark Matter, artinya materi kegelapan. and.. it just suits me just fine. *guess there must be something wrong with my head. why do i have to be so.. Suram??? O.oa
jadi. mari kita mulai.
posting pertama.
The Dark, Matter.
And that's when she started to pray.
everytime she met a nice guy, a nice man, a good gentleman.
she prays, "Oh My Lord, please protect him and keep him away from me, from someone like me. oh, God, please, please, take care of him."
and so she bites her lips, take a deep breath, closed her heart, and walk away.
terakhir kali nyoba sepertinya waktu SMP. judulnya Sumur Hantu. wkwkwkwk. sudah lupa juga ceritanya bagaimana. tapi kata kakakku, ceritanya cukup seram. dan cukup panjang. well, thanks to Ghostbumps i guess.
hahahaha. tapi sepertinya saya tidak bakat nulis cerita-cerita drama cinta atau hal-hal indah seperti itu. selalu kandas di jalan. atau mungkin cerita saya terlalu membosankan. jangan salah, saya dulu pernah mencoba menulis short novel tentang cinta segi tiga plus satu titik di luarnya, dimana dua ceweknya adalah gadis kembar. ea. oh God, Why.
tiba-tiba pengen nulis. tiba-tiba dapat ide. sayang kalau dibuang.
sebenarnya bentuknya bukan short novel. atau short story.
rencananya formatnya akan dibuat seperti penggalan kisah. saya usahakan tidak terlalu panjang tiap penggalannya. semoga saja imajinasi saya akan terus berkembang. penggalan kisah ini akan bersambung ke seri berikutnya. tapi seri-nya pun sebenarnya tidak berurutan.
tergantung imajinasi saya. :D
agak kesulitan mencari judul. tiba-tiba setelah mencuci tengah malam, terlintas sebuah kata. The Dark Matter. sebenarnya Dark Matter ini sangat familiar saya dengar dalam Anime Gintama. Dark Matter refer to Tamagoyaki yang dibuat oleh Tae Shimura, yang sangat tidak dapat dimakan.
lalu yang terlintas lagi adalah, jika, saya taruh koma. apa yang terjadi? The Dark, Matter. artinya, kegelapan itu juga penting atau berpengaruh/mempengaruhi. dibaca tanpa koma pun, The Dark Matter, artinya materi kegelapan. and.. it just suits me just fine. *guess there must be something wrong with my head. why do i have to be so.. Suram??? O.oa
jadi. mari kita mulai.
posting pertama.
The Dark, Matter.
And that's when she started to pray.
everytime she met a nice guy, a nice man, a good gentleman.
she prays, "Oh My Lord, please protect him and keep him away from me, from someone like me. oh, God, please, please, take care of him."
and so she bites her lips, take a deep breath, closed her heart, and walk away.
Monday, September 3, 2012
What Am I Thinking??
Topengnya Tobi hancur.
Ternyata Obito.
tapi seorang teman berkata,
tidak mungkin itu Obito
timeline-nya tidak pas.
terutama karena waktu naruto lahir,
Tobi - the mask man, ngelawan Minato.
logikanya, saat itu Obito masih berumur 13 tahun. padahal saat Minato Vs The Mask Man, the mask man-nya sama tinggi dengan Minato, rambutnya lebih panjang, dan terutama, diceritakan oleh Narutopedia, "Tobi used his Sharingan to put the Nine-Tails under his control"
si 13 tahun Obito gak mungkin punya kekuatan untuk mengendalikan nine-tail.
8 tahun kemudian, ada mask man, dengan topeng yang mirip, namun dengan lobang di mata kanan ingin menginfiltrasi konoha. namun dihentikan oleh Uchiha Itachi, dengan cara mengajaknya untuk membunuh clan Uchiha.
saat membunuh clan-nya, Uchiha Itachi berumur 13 (dengan posisi kapten di ANBU), dan Uchiha Sasuke serta Uzumaki Naruto, berusia 8 tahun tentunya.
saat itu, Kakashi Hatake dan Uchiha Obito, kira-kira sudah berumur 21 tahun.
Naruto Shippuuden dimulai ketika Naruto dan Sasuke berumur kurang lebih 15 tahun. berarti Kakashi dan Obito berumur 28 tahun.
tiba-tiba saya berpikir, kalau ternyata Uchiha Madara masih hidup, ada kemungkinan Madara lah yang berhadapan dengan Minato di malam kelahiran Naruto, plus, malam bencana Nine Tail di Konoha.
menurut Narutopedia,
"Rather than help him, however, the Uchiha turned their backs on Madara, believing he only desired to rekindle the flames of war. Abandoned by his clan, Madara left the village, and took control of Kurama using his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan."
on the other hand, still, on Narutopedia, it said, "Once he extracted the beast, Tobi placed the Tailed Beast under his control and ordered it to destroy Konoha."
Jadi saya tiba pada kesimpulan, Tobi - the mask man, memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan Kurama, dan satu-satunya yang ditunjukkan memiliki kemampuan yang sama tidak lain adalah Uchiha Madara.
so, let's put it like this.
the mask man yang bertarung dengan Yondaime pada hari kelahiran Naruto adalah Uchiha Madara.
on the other hand, sepertinya sangat mungkin, jika pada Third Shinobi World War, Uchiha Obito diselamatkan oleh Uchiha Madara.
mungkin saja kan? Uchiha Madara memang sudah dikabarkan mati, dekade sebelumnya. tapi, Uchiha Madara memang hebat, ia bahkan bisa melepaskan diri dari Edo Tensei.
mungkin itu juga salah satu alasan mengapa Uchiha Madara mengenal Tobi..
as stated in Naruto 560,,
dan karena itulah Uchiha Obito juga memiliki dendam pada clan Uchiha, sehingga ia bersedia membantu Uchiha Itachi untuk membunuh clan mereka.
kemudian Madara mati, akhirnya Uchiha Obito lah yang meneruskan dendam Madara. ia berani menggunakan nama Madara, karena ia tahu/kenal dengan Madara.
atau mungkin mereka pernah bertemu karena alasan lain?
hm, entahlah. bisa saja.
well, it's all just a stupid theory c.
well,, kanbai for Masashi Kishimoto!!
he's doing a real good work. :D
aaah,, Naruto Rock!! :D
Ternyata Obito.
tapi seorang teman berkata,
tidak mungkin itu Obito
timeline-nya tidak pas.
terutama karena waktu naruto lahir,
Tobi - the mask man, ngelawan Minato.
logikanya, saat itu Obito masih berumur 13 tahun. padahal saat Minato Vs The Mask Man, the mask man-nya sama tinggi dengan Minato, rambutnya lebih panjang, dan terutama, diceritakan oleh Narutopedia, "Tobi used his Sharingan to put the Nine-Tails under his control"
si 13 tahun Obito gak mungkin punya kekuatan untuk mengendalikan nine-tail.
8 tahun kemudian, ada mask man, dengan topeng yang mirip, namun dengan lobang di mata kanan ingin menginfiltrasi konoha. namun dihentikan oleh Uchiha Itachi, dengan cara mengajaknya untuk membunuh clan Uchiha.
saat membunuh clan-nya, Uchiha Itachi berumur 13 (dengan posisi kapten di ANBU), dan Uchiha Sasuke serta Uzumaki Naruto, berusia 8 tahun tentunya.
saat itu, Kakashi Hatake dan Uchiha Obito, kira-kira sudah berumur 21 tahun.
Naruto Shippuuden dimulai ketika Naruto dan Sasuke berumur kurang lebih 15 tahun. berarti Kakashi dan Obito berumur 28 tahun.
tiba-tiba saya berpikir, kalau ternyata Uchiha Madara masih hidup, ada kemungkinan Madara lah yang berhadapan dengan Minato di malam kelahiran Naruto, plus, malam bencana Nine Tail di Konoha.
menurut Narutopedia,
"Rather than help him, however, the Uchiha turned their backs on Madara, believing he only desired to rekindle the flames of war. Abandoned by his clan, Madara left the village, and took control of Kurama using his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan."
on the other hand, still, on Narutopedia, it said, "Once he extracted the beast, Tobi placed the Tailed Beast under his control and ordered it to destroy Konoha."
Jadi saya tiba pada kesimpulan, Tobi - the mask man, memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan Kurama, dan satu-satunya yang ditunjukkan memiliki kemampuan yang sama tidak lain adalah Uchiha Madara.
so, let's put it like this.
the mask man yang bertarung dengan Yondaime pada hari kelahiran Naruto adalah Uchiha Madara.
on the other hand, sepertinya sangat mungkin, jika pada Third Shinobi World War, Uchiha Obito diselamatkan oleh Uchiha Madara.
mungkin saja kan? Uchiha Madara memang sudah dikabarkan mati, dekade sebelumnya. tapi, Uchiha Madara memang hebat, ia bahkan bisa melepaskan diri dari Edo Tensei.
mungkin itu juga salah satu alasan mengapa Uchiha Madara mengenal Tobi..
as stated in Naruto 560,,
dan karena itulah Uchiha Obito juga memiliki dendam pada clan Uchiha, sehingga ia bersedia membantu Uchiha Itachi untuk membunuh clan mereka.
kemudian Madara mati, akhirnya Uchiha Obito lah yang meneruskan dendam Madara. ia berani menggunakan nama Madara, karena ia tahu/kenal dengan Madara.
atau mungkin mereka pernah bertemu karena alasan lain?
hm, entahlah. bisa saja.
well, it's all just a stupid theory c.
well,, kanbai for Masashi Kishimoto!!
he's doing a real good work. :D
aaah,, Naruto Rock!! :D
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